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Diane Leyre angry: annoyed, Miss France 2022 sharply reframes a user

Friday February 11, 2022, Diane Leyre once again looked at her victory in the Miss France election. While a surfer attacked her and a subscriber, the pretty brunette did not let herself go.

It was two months ago… On February 11, 2022, Diane Leyre succeeded Amandine Small by becoming Miss France. Happy to have won the election, it is on Instagram that the pretty brunette wished to confide in her fans. “Two months ago, the little girl that I was saw her eyes shining through my adult body. My life changed on December 11, however, this child in me is still there. With his doubts, his fears, his complexes, but also his desires, his ambition, his madness… It is also for this mini me that I always rise with determination and energy to spare, because I know how no matter my age, I have always had big dreams, but that a life for the to achieve. So I don’t want to waste time. I want to live at 100000% and at 3000 an hour“, she began.

Wishing that her fans believe in their dreams, Miss France 2022 confided: “So to all those souls of children who follow me, never forget those dreams that have been giving you butterflies in your stomach for years. Do not repress them. You are able to do them all. Give yourself the means, be bold. Do not listen to those who might tell you that they are impossible. If it all ends tomorrow, have no regrets. Love more than you need, think big, run out of breath, scream if it needs to get out, change direction if you don’t like it, just LIVE.If his message is benevolent, a user attacked Diane Leyre. And for good reason, he would have preferred that Miss Martinique wins the competition, especially since he had put 200 euros in votes. Not wishing to let it go, she then replied: “Good evening, you have commented on this photo three times with more than negative comments, both about me (but that’s okay, you have the right to have your opinion) and now about a subscriber. That you don’t like me is one thing, but don’t come and criticize people who didn’t ask for anything.

Diane Leyre: “I cannot be unanimous”

In story, the pretty brunette confided a second time, explaining: “As a public figure, of course, I face criticism. I cannot be unanimous. I accept everyone’s words even if sometimes, I remain human, they can hurt. On the other hand, I would not accept to read this kind of comments towards subscribers who did nothing to you. You don’t know how people might react on the other side of the screen, you don’t know their story. You may be able to attack someone who is in a critical period.” To conclude, Diane Leyre added: “I take this opportunity to remind you that a number against cyber-harassment exists. This is 3018. If you are a victim, do not be afraid to come out of silence. Stop bullying.

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