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Diabetics can finally breathe easy, blood sugar levels can be controlled only by regularly eating boiled peas, doctor’s medicine is far behind – All Pages

Who would have thought that blood sugar in the body could drop in an instant just by eating boiled peas

SajianSedap.com Diabetes is a disease that many Indonesian people suffer from.

However, this disease can boomerang for you.

If not controlled, diabetes can develop into various complications.

Therefore, it is very important to keep blood sugar stable.

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One of them with peas.

Maybe this did not occur to you.

But boiled peas can control blood sugar levels, you know!

Guaranteed after consuming it regularly diabetes passes.

Benefits of Boiled Peas for Diabetes

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A good bowl of peas as an intake for diabetics, the effect is not kidding


A good bowl of peas as an intake for diabetics, the effect is not kidding

You’ve tried various drugs but never recovered from diabetes?

Now it’s time for you to try boiled peas.

Reporting from Healthline, peas have several properties that can help support blood sugar control.

Peas have a relatively low glycemic index (GI), which is a measure of how quickly your blood sugar rises after eating a meal.

A diet high in low GI foods has been shown to help regulate blood sugar levels.

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What’s more, peas are rich in fiber and protein which are beneficial for controlling blood sugar.

This is because fiber slows down the rate at which carbohydrates are absorbed, leading to a slower and more steady rise in blood sugar levels.

Additionally, several studies have found that eating protein-rich foods can help stabilize blood sugar levels in individuals with type 2 diabetes.

The effect that peas may have on blood sugar is known to reduce the risk of several conditions, including diabetes and heart disease.

In other words, apart from preventing diabetes, peas also prevent various complications of diabetes.

Other Benefits of Boiled Peas

Besides being able to control blood sugar levels, peas also have various other benefits.

1. Healthy digestion

Peas contain an impressive amount of fiber.

This vegetable has been shown to provide many benefits for digestive health.

The fiber content in peas feeds the good bacteria in your gut.

This will keep digestion healthy and prevent unhealthy bacteria from overpopulating.

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This can reduce your risk of developing some common gastrointestinal conditions, such as inflammatory bowel disease, irritable bowel syndrome, and colon cancer.

What’s more, most of the fiber in peas is insoluble, meaning it doesn’t mix with water, but instead acts as a “destroying agent” in your digestive tract.

This means it adds weight to the stool and can help food and waste pass more quickly through your digestive system.

2. Prevent heart disease

Green beans contain a number of heart-healthy minerals, such as magnesium, potassium, and calcium.

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A diet high in this nutrient can help prevent high blood pressure, which is a major risk factor for heart disease.

Peas also have a positive effect on heart health.

The high fiber content of peas and beans has been shown to lower total cholesterol and “bad” LDL cholesterol.

Both levels can increase the risk of heart disease as it increases.

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Peas also contain flavonols, carotenoids and vitamin C, antioxidants that have been shown to reduce the chances of heart disease and stroke due to their ability to prevent cell damage.

3. Prevent cancer

Eating peas regularly can reduce the risk of cancer.

This is due to the antioxidant content of peas and their ability to reduce inflammation in the body.

Peas also contain saponins, plant compounds known to have anti-cancer effects.

Some research suggests saponins can help prevent certain types of cancer and potentially inhibit tumor growth.

In addition, they are rich in several nutrients known for their ability to lower the risk of cancer, including vitamin K, which may be helpful for reducing the risk of prostate cancer.

This article was previously published on Healthline with the title Why Green Peas are Healthy and Nutritious

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