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developing games for the PlayStation 5 is easier than ever before

The head of Sony’s independent developer support initiative, Xuhei Yoshida, spoke to Dengeki PlayStation, Japan.

Yoshida noted that the developers are happy with the PlayStation 5. The developers say it’s easier to create games for Sony’s upcoming platform than ever before.

This is an important point, Yoshida believes, because if developers are forced to butt with the features of the console, then they can not concentrate on creating games. On the other hand, if the process of developing games for the console becomes easier, then creators can achieve more and spend more time directly on developing the game.

Yoshida also noted the company’s interest in studios from the Asian region, including China and Malaysia, and drew attention to the Genshin Impact and Gigabash projects. According to Yoshida, the Chinese market, where PlayStation 4 has recently been available, is of great importance.

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