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Deputy Chairmen of KPK and Director General of Mineral and Coal’s Conversation on Making Money Goes Viral


Snippet of conversation via messaging app between Deputy Chairmen KPK Johanis Tanak and Acting Director General of Mineral and Coal Muhammad Idris Froyoto Sihite whose content “can we make money” went viral on social media. Johanis Tanak I swear the conversation took place before the investigation order was issued.

At first, Johanis Tanak said he did not know that Idris Sihite had become PLH Director General of Mineral and Coal. What he knows, he said, is that Idris is still serving as Head of EMR Legal Affairs.

“Frankly, I could swear, I didn’t know that Idris Sihite had become the PLH Director General, all I know is that he is the Head of EMR Law,” said Johanis Tanak to detikcomThursday (13/4/2023).

Tanak said the conversation took place before he took office at the KPK. Tanak said there was no way he could be that stupid to carry on a conversation when he knew that Idris was under investigation.

“Even if there is chat I was with him, at that time I wasn’t at the KPK and even if I was at the KPK, at that time there was no warrant for investigating him. If there were any investigations against him, how could I be that stupid? chat same as him,” said Tanak.

Tanak disclosed an investigation warrant against Idris Sihite dated April 5, 2023.

“As far as I remember the warrant for investigation against him was dated April 5, 2023. That’s the truth,” said Johanis.

Conversation ‘Can Make Money’

Seen detikcom, the conversation ‘can we make money’ started with Johanis Tanak’s self-introduction to Idris. The conversation is said to have taken place on October 12, 2022.

Johanis’ phone number is clearly stated in the uploaded conversation column. While Idris’ number was not displayed like Johanis’ number, it only stated that the sender of the reply message was Idris.

The following is the contents of the conversation between the two:

Johanis: Good evening Mr. Karo, can I telephone. Greetings Healthy J. Tanak

Idris: Good night, Dad

Johanis: Wow, we can still make money, I have opened an office with a friend, but I’m still playing behind the scenes, we can join in playing behind the scenes of RHS just for our consumption

Idris: Mantaaaaaap pak

Johanis: Yes, I’m a bit late too but since 2012 I’ve been asked by friends to help out at their company but not full time. I did this because I realized that none of the Attorney General’s leadership would pay attention to us, so I needed to think and take the right steps to deal with the necessities of life in Jakarta, which is full of life’s challenges.

Now I’m starting to try to open an office with friends, one of my friends is from an ancient clan, not from the Attorney General’s Office. My job is to find clients, discuss with clients and participate in making concepts that will be worked on later by friends who advance during the day or negotiations with the opposing party.

If we only hope for salary, race (chat interrupted)

Idris: Very good sir.

The conversation between the two was said to have resumed on February 24, 2023. This time Johanis was said to have opened the conversation again and tried to invite Idris to meet face to face.

Johanis: Evening Mr. Karo, best regards. When can I meet

Idris: Can you tell me what it is related to, sir?

Johanis: I want to discuss about IUP

Idris: What can be processed?

Johanis: I want to discuss it first from the legal aspect. At least you are a legal expert. Regarding the 2 court decisions that are already inrah, sir, we want to continue operations

Idris: Yes, tomorrow we will discuss it


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