Home » today » Health » Depok city government optimizes delivery of second dose of poliovirus immunization

Depok city government optimizes delivery of second dose of poliovirus immunization

Depok (ANTARA) – The City of Depok Health Bureau in West Java continues to optimize the provision of the second immunization dose of inactive poliovirus vaccine (IPV2) for nine-month-old infants to protect them from the polio virus.

Depok City Health Bureau Chief Mary Liziawati in Depok said on Friday that we have issued notification letter No.

This immunization is carried out to keep Indonesia polio-free and to achieve global polio eradication in 2026.

Read also: The Depok Health Office has begun giving the PVC vaccine free of charge

Read also: Depok City Health Bureau extends National Infant Immunization Month

“It was communicated that high and uniform coverage of polio immunization was needed, as well as good surveillance performance. The IPV2 administration aims to optimize protection against the polio virus,” he said.

Mary stated that the administration of the IPV2 immunization was carried out according to the recommendation of the Indonesian Technical Advisory Group on Immunization (ITAGI) number 84/ITAGI/Adm/VIII/2021 dated August 3, 2021 regarding the administration of the IPV2 immunization, which said the introduction of IPV2 immunization has been included in the routine immunization schedule.

“The administration of IPV2 is carried out in children aged nine months with an interval of at least four months after the administration of IPV1 which is administered intramuscularly in the anterolateral left thigh and in accordance with the technical instructions for the introduction of immunization IPV2,” he said.

Read also: National Child Immunization Month in August 2022 in Depok targeting 174,165 children

Mary added that for the entire immunization implementation to work well and in a targeted manner, support from all parties is needed. Including providing outreach to the community on the importance of IPV2 immunization.

“Also, don’t forget to mobilize the community and parents who have IPV2 targets to come to health care settings,” he said.

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