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Denmark analyzes suspending vaccination against COVID

COPENHAGEN (AP) — Danish health authorities are considering “ending” the national coronavirus vaccination campaign in the spring and no longer see reason to give a booster dose to children or a fourth injection to the population at risk. of becoming seriously ill with COVID-19.

The Danish Health Authority said in a statement on Friday detailing its reasons that the third wave of infections in the country was waning “due to the complete immunity of the population.”

“The very high vaccine coverage in Denmark, especially with the third dose, makes us assume that we can deal with a growing contagion without having serious illness,” the government agency said in the statement.

Last month, the Danish government announced that it was offering a fourth dose of the vaccine to older adults and other vulnerable people as the pandemic situation had worsened amid the rapid spread of the omicron variant of the coronavirus.

But an assessment by the Health Authority concluded that three injections had offered good protection to nursing home residents and people over 85, so the agency decided additional doses were unnecessary for now.

Dr. Bolette Søborg, director of the agency, said the looming end of winter, when spending time outdoors makes it easier for the virus to spread, is another reason to withhold the fourth dose.

Only a handful of countries worldwide have started to offer a fourth dose or announced plans to do so.

More than 80% of the population of Denmark have received two doses and 61.3% have the booster injection, according to official figures.

This week, Danish authorities reported a slight drop in weekly new coronavirus cases.

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