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Demonstration in Alsace against an Amazon warehouse project

Several hundred people gathered Saturday in Barr (Bas-Rhin) to protest against an Amazon warehouse project in a neighboring town, we learned from concordant sources. The demonstrators – 400 to 500 according to the organizers, 250 according to the Bas-Rhin prefecture – gathered in front of the premises of the community of communes of the Pays de Barr, owner of land in the Dambach-la-Ville activity zone . It is in this area that the giant of online commerce would like to build, on a 17 hectare site, a warehouse of 150,000 m2, according to a collective of opponents to the establishment of Amazon in Alsace, which obtained details with elected officials. A thousand jobs could be created.

«It is the community that has the hand to decide or not the establishment of Amazon. The idea was to start putting pressure on elected officials, to make them understand that the project is not viable for the territory“Clément Charbonnier, spokesperson for the collective bringing together environmental protection and business associations, told AFP. “No document is signed“Recalled Mr. Charbonnier, denouncing”opacityOf the project that the inhabitants discovered in the press. “The world of Amazon pushes consumption, is hegemonic, imposes its rules and even if it brings some income, it does a lot of tax optimization and a lot of taxes are not paidAdded Mr. Charbonnier.

In the parking lot of the community of communes, the demonstrators stacked boxes on which it was written: “Stop Amazon», «No to the Amazonization of Alsace“, or “I do not buy online, I buy in my area», According to photos published on the Latest News from Alsace website. Besides the “job and land destruction“Which could be dedicated again to agriculture,”5,000 more vehicles per day in Dambach-la-Ville“, Said Mr. Charbonnier.

The e-commerce giant is currently building, via two companies, a European logistics platform in Augny (Moselle), on the outskirts of Metz. The distribution center, which should start operating in 2021, covers 19 hectares with 186,000 m2 of warehouses and is expected to create 2,000 to 3,000 jobs, local officials hope. In addition, Alsatians suspect Amazon of being behind a 190,000 m2 warehouse project, under study and carried by a real estate investor, in Ensisheim (Haut-Rhin).

See also – Should we open our arms to Amazon?

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