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Democratic Reform and Progressive Alliance Preparing for Proportional Representation Elections

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Preparations for proportional representation elections by the two major parties with satellite parties are also accelerating.

The Democratic Party-led tentatively named ‘Democratic Reform and Progressive Alliance’ reached an agreement among the participating political parties on the number of candidate recommendations and the order of arrangement.

The People Power Party is said to be coordinating the composition of the leadership of a satellite party that will be launched the day after tomorrow.

Both the ruling and opposition parties are expected to engage in the so-called ‘lending of active lawmakers’ in order to secure the first slot on the proportional representation ballot.

Reporter Kim Min-hyung will report.

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The tentatively named ‘Democratic Reform and Progressive Alliance’, a proportional satellite party of the Democratic Party of Korea, the Progressive Party, and the New Progressive Alliance, will be established on the 3rd of next month.

The three parties agreed to draw up a joint list of proportional representation candidates up to 30 times.

In addition to the 4 ‘people’s candidates’ through open recruitment from civil society, the Progressive Party and New Progressive Alliance each recommend 3 people, and the Democratic Party recommends 20 candidates.

The principle is that number 1 on the candidate list is assigned to the ‘national candidate’ and the subsequent positions are assigned in turns.


″It will be based on alternate deployment under the principle of mutual reciprocity. Of course, once a proportional coalition party is created, this is something that the coalition party has legal authority to do.”

It is predicted that in the expected order of election, about half will be candidates recommended by the Democratic Party and minor parties.

The principle of unification of constituency candidates among political parties participating in the proportional coalition was also decided.

In order to create a one-to-one structure with the ruling party across the country, it was decided to hold primary elections through opinion polls.

However, the Democratic Party did not unify with the Progressive Party in Honam, its stronghold, and Daegu and Gyeongbuk, areas where it was absolutely inferior, but gave up Ulsan Buk-gu, where support from the working class was strong, to the Progressive Party.

Incumbent Democratic Party lawmaker Lee Sang-heon and prospective candidates in this region are protesting, saying there was no prior discussion by the party.

The People Power Party will launch the satellite political party ‘People’s Future’ the day after tomorrow.

Rep. Han Seon-kyo, who was dispatched as a representative of a satellite party in the general election four years ago, caused a stir with his arbitrary nomination, so they are considering who to send as their representative.

Representative Kim Ye-ji and Innovation Committee Chairman In Yo-han are known to be on the list.

Both the ruling and opposition parties are expected to send a large number of lawmakers to satellite parties this time in order to secure the top votes on the proportional representation ballot, which is expected to be crowded with multiple political parties.

This is Minhyung Kim from MBC News.

Video coverage: Koo Bon-won / Video editing: Jang Dong-jun

2024-02-21 11:11:33
#Satellite #party #proportional #ruling #opposition #parties #revealing #outlines #time #lending #lawmakers #inevitable

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