Home » today » World » Demand for antipyretics has increased sharply, with Hong Kong and Macao governments saying there is sufficient stock and the public is urged not to stockpile

Demand for antipyretics has increased sharply, with Hong Kong and Macao governments saying there is sufficient stock and the public is urged not to stockpile

Demand for antipyretics has increased sharply, with Hong Kong and Macao governments saying there is sufficient stock and the public is urged not to stockpile

As the epidemic situation on the mainland deteriorates, a rush to purchase medicines on the market is suspected, citizens of Hong Kong and Macao also joined the “battle group” to buy medicines. In response to media inquiries yesterday (22), the Hong Kong government spokesman said that he has noticed that the demand for pain and fever drugs in the market has increased recently, especially some brands of pain and fever drugs containing ” paracetamol” (Paracetamol). The authorities stressed that the public medical system has sufficient stocks of drugs containing “paracetamol” and called on pharmacies and supermarkets to pay attention to drug sales in order to maintain a stable supply to citizens in need.

The spokesman said that the government has contacted the relevant suppliers, manufacturers, local producers and community pharmacy organizations and learned that the supply of analgesic and antipyretic drugs containing “paracetamol” is still stable in Hong Kong. When the demand is increasing and supply is tight, other brands of painkillers and antipyretics are still plentiful.

Acetaminophen is used to relieve pain and reduce fever. According to the records, there are currently 756 pharmaceutical products registered in Hong Kong containing paracetamol. Members of the public can use the “Search for Hong Kong Registered Pharmaceutical Products” function on the Department of Health’s Office of Medicines website to search for information on registered pharmaceutical products. The spokesperson also reminded members of the public to seek advice from medical professionals before using any medicine and to refrain from buying medicines for own use. Members of the public are not to stockpile any medicines, including medicines containing ‘paracetamol’.

Similar situations also occurred in neighboring Macau. The local Infection Response Coordination Center also said this afternoon that the government has stockpiled enough anti-epidemic drugs and will supply them to residents through various channels when needed. Residents are advised not to stockpile medication or panic. The center also emphasized that if a resident is diagnosed, she can conduct a self-assessment through the “Self-Assessment of New Coronary Virus Infected Persons and Community Outpatient Clinic Apointment Platform,” and then conduct home isolation according to guidelines. “epidemic package” has provided Chinese and Western medicines for backup, and you can take them according to the guidelines when you have symptoms; if necessary, you can go to the community outpatient clinic, community health center or Earl General Hospital for treatment, and you can also get medicines and related treatments after a doctor’s diagnosis.

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