Home » today » World » Deliver letter to the FGR about innocent people captured in the lower Lempa – 2024-04-10 03:14:40

Deliver letter to the FGR about innocent people captured in the lower Lempa – 2024-04-10 03:14:40

Samuel Amaya


The Committee of Relatives of Victims of the Exceptional Regime of Bajo Lempa went this morning to the Attorney General’s Office of the Republic to present a letter showing their concern about the innocent captured and requesting intervention for those unjustly detained, who already have their letter of freedom, but Penal Centers have not released them.

In the letter addressed to the Attorney General of the Republic, Rodolfo Delgado, the communities of Bajo Lempa stated that they have not rested in proving the innocence of their sons and daughters, brothers and sisters, fathers, mothers, grandparents, etc., “that for some error were caught.”

In that sense, they have presented Habeas Corpus before the Constitutional Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice, requests before the Office of the Attorney General for the Defense of Human Rights (PDDH), and have requested support where possible.

They say they have judicial and criminal records that show that their family members have a clean judicial record, they have sworn statements that show that they are good people, as well as employment records, which show that they are hard-working people. Also, in some cases they have the letters of freedom granted by the Organized Crime Courts, “and even so they remain imprisoned.”

In the document they requested the good offices of the prosecutor so that the investigation into the cases of their relatives could be expedited as much as possible, so that their innocence could be proven.

The representative of the Bajo Lempa Communities, José Salvador Ruiz, assured that there are approximately 230 people captured in Bajo Lempa, of those, 134 Habeas Corpus have been presented; 52 cases have also been presented to the PDDH and 66 cases to the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights.

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