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Delicious and Affordable School Canteen Menus in Malaysia


The school canteen menu is usually made sober and that’s all, but this school is different. It looks like a menu in a restaurant that makes you drool, but at a low price. Starting from IDR 3 thousand only!

The school canteen is a place for students to recharge their energy. The choice of food offered as much as possible can arouse their appetite.

Each school usually has its own policy in providing menus for students. Some of them steal attention because they present a special menu.

One of them is this school in Malaysia. As quoted from mStar (18/8), Pokok Sena Middle School in Kepala Batas, Pulau Pinang went viral thanks to the row of menus in the canteen.

Rows of delicious and inexpensive menus at Sena Principal Middle School in Kepala Batas. Photo: mStar

In this short video, various delicious menu choices are revealed, just like in a restaurant. The choices include spaghetti bolognese, sandwiches, fried noodles, chicken chop, macaroni, tomyam vermicelli, chicken rice, and sliced ​​fruit.

Everything is packed neat and clean. Even the canteen staff who prepared the food were seen wearing aprons and gloves to maintain hygiene.

What’s more interesting, all the menus in the school canteen are priced at affordable prices. It is enough to spend RM 1 to RM 3 or around Rp. 3 thousand to Rp. 10 thousand, students can already get good food.

A canteen entrepreneur named Fatin revealed that he and his 9 employees prepare around 13 menus every day. “Every seller in this canteen follows the rules, namely not selling menus haphazardly at school, especially snacks,” he said.

He also racked his brain to find healthy, filling, and affordable menu ideas for students. “The most expensive are chicken chop and chicken rice. The price is RM 3 (Rp 10,000),” said Fatin.

He deliberately sells his menu cheap so that students are satisfied. By bringing RM 5 (Rp. 16 thousand), they already feel satisfied and full.

Fatin, a school canteen entrepreneur in Malaysia who sells restaurant-like menus at low prices. Photo: mStar

Fatin himself has been a canteen operator at the school for 8 years. He said he has many sweet and funny memories that he cannot forget.

“Students already know me and other canteen employees. The sweetest thing for me is that every day, all the food will be sold out,” he said. Not a few students told him they couldn’t wait for the break because they wanted to eat.

Fatin revealed that his decision to upload a video containing the menus he offered was none other than to give ideas to sellers in other canteens. “There are times when canteen sellers are confused and have no idea what menu to serve,” he concluded.

He also did not expect that his upload would go viral. Many netizens gave positive responses. One of them even wanted to move their children’s school to the school where Fatin was selling.


2023-08-21 03:30:10
#Viral #School #Canteen #Menu #Similar #Resto #Prices #Start #IDR

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