Home » today » World » Deir Ezzor Implements 48-Hour Curfew Following Deadly Clashes: SDF and Arab Clans Clash in Eastern Syria

Deir Ezzor Implements 48-Hour Curfew Following Deadly Clashes: SDF and Arab Clans Clash in Eastern Syria

On Friday evening, the Military Council in Deir Ezzor, eastern Syria, announced a 48-hour curfew, starting tomorrow morning, Saturday, following bloody clashes that left dozens dead.

The Deir ez-Zor Military Council falls under the banner of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), which controls areas in eastern and northeastern Syria.

The Council’s announcement came during a post on the “Autonomous Administration” page on “Facebook”, which is the civil entity affiliated with the “SDF”.

The announcement said that the curfew “starts from five o’clock in the morning tomorrow, the second of September, for a period of 48 hours.”

He added that this decision came “in view of the security conditions that villages in eastern Deir ez-Zor are going through, and the exploitation of armed groups affiliated with some of the security services of the Damascus government, as well as ISIS cells, to cause strife in the region (…)”.

He emphasized that the reciters also came “to protect the lives of civilians and their property from the vandalism of mercenary armed groups, and to prevent them from hiding within the movements of civilians.”

invitation from the coalition

The US-led coalition to fight the terrorist organization ISIS had called for an end to the clashes, as the Washington-backed “SDF” is engaged in bloody fighting with Arab clans.

“The violence in northeastern Syria must stop,” the coalition said in a statement, adding that this “distraction” from fighting ISIS sleeper cells raises fears of the organization’s return.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights stated, on Friday, that the death toll had reached 52 on both sides.

Witnesses and local sources said that at least 40 fighters from both sides and 15 civilians were killed in the violence, according to Reuters.

#curfew #Deir #Ezzor #clashes #left #dozens #dead
2023-09-01 18:48:43

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