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Decision on automobile exhibition: IAA should go to Munich – economy

According to the “Tagesspiegel”, the International Motor Show (IAA) will take place in Munich in the future. The automobile association VDA wanted to decide on Tuesday, as it was called from industry circles. Munich prevailed against the candidates Berlin and Hamburg.

The decision is said to be justified by the fact that Munich is by comparison the economically strongest region and the car show in the Bavarian capital receives the necessary political support. The VDA doesn’t want any experiments and is playing it safe at the Munich venue. The IAA had taken place in Frankfurt am Main for almost 70 years.

[Um moderne, nachhaltige, faire Mobilität aus lokaler Sicht, geht es in unseren Leute-Newslettern aus den Berliner Bezirken, die Sie hier kostenlos bestellen können: leute.tagesspiegel.de]

The 19-member board of the VDA had sought a unanimous decision, as a VDA spokesman said in advance. In future, the IAA wants to present itself with a new, more modern concept, reach a wider audience and take up the social debate about the mobility of the future.

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