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Deadline Approaching: Abu Dhabi’s Ministry of Indigenization and Human Resources Warns Private Companies in the UAE

Abu Dhabi: The Ministry of Indigenization and Human Resources in the UAE has issued a warning to private companies, reminding them of the upcoming deadline for completing semi-annual indigenization rates. The ministry released a fresh notification on Thursday, stating that the deadline is set to expire in the next 15 days.

Private firms in the UAE are required to achieve a one percent indigenization rate between January and June of this year. The deadline for this requirement is July 7. This rule applies to all private establishments in the country that employ more than fifty people. Failure to appoint the specified percentage of natives by July 7 will result in a fine of Dh42,000 for each remaining native position.

The indigenization rules, which were implemented in the UAE last year, state that a two percent indigenization rate must be achieved annually. By December of last year, two percent indigenization had been completed. The next one percent is expected to be achieved by the end of June this year, with the remaining one percent to be appointed by December. The UAE government aims to secure a total of 10 percent of natives in private institutions in the country by 2026. Strict action will be taken against institutions that attempt to manipulate the naturalization process.

In related news, expatriates in the UAE are facing backlash as Air India Express has stopped providing free snacks boxes, requiring passengers to pay for them instead.

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How does the UAE government plan to increase the percentage of natives in private institutions by 2026, and what measures will be taken to prevent manipulation of the naturalization process

Abu Dhabi: Private companies in the UAE have been reminded of the upcoming deadline for completing semi-annual indigenization rates. The Ministry of Indigenization and Human Resources issued a warning, stating that the deadline will expire in the next 15 days.

According to the ministry, private firms in the UAE are required to achieve a one percent indigenization rate between January and June of this year, with a deadline of July 7. This requirement applies to all private establishments in the country with more than fifty employees. Failure to meet this requirement will result in a fine of Dh42,000 for each remaining native position.

The indigenization rules were implemented in the UAE last year, and they state that a two percent indigenization rate must be achieved annually. By December of last year, two percent indigenization had already been completed. The next one percent is expected to be achieved by the end of June, and the remaining one percent will be appointed by December. The government aims to have a total of 10 percent of natives in private institutions in the country by 2026. Any attempt to manipulate the naturalization process will be strictly dealt with.

In other news, expatriates in the UAE are facing criticism as Air India Express has stopped offering free snacks boxes, requiring passengers to pay for them instead.

Stay informed with the latest news by watching Asianet News Live on Youtube.

2 thoughts on “Deadline Approaching: Abu Dhabi’s Ministry of Indigenization and Human Resources Warns Private Companies in the UAE”

  1. It’s crucial for private companies in the UAE to heed the warning from Abu Dhabi’s Ministry of Indigenization and Human Resources as the deadline approaches. Compliance with indigenization policies will not only contribute to national development but also help foster a sustainable and inclusive workforce.

  2. This article highlights the importance of adherence to the deadline set by Abu Dhabi’s Ministry of Indigenization and Human Resources for private companies in the UAE. It serves as a timely reminder for businesses to swiftly comply with the regulations in order to support the development of human resources and the national workforce.


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