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Dangers of stopping breathing and how to provide basic life support or BHD

PEOPLE’S MIND – Cessation of breathing is a condition in which a person’s breathing slows down or stops completely. Stopping breathing can happen suddenly to anyone, anywhere, anytime.

Stopping breathing can be fatal because if someone who experiences it is not treated immediately, their brain and heart cannot function, resulting in death.

The cessation of breathing or apnea consists of several types. Here are 5 of them.

  1. Apnea obstructive condition stop breathing which can occur when the airways are blocked by something causing difficulty breathing. One of the most common causes is enlarged tonsils or adenoids.
  2. Apnea central e.g stop breathing more common in newborns. This condition is caused by problems occurring in certain parts of the brain and nervous system.
  3. Apnea blend. As the name suggests, this condition is a combination of obstructive sleep apnea and central sleep apnea.
  4. Sleep apnea has several causes, including too relaxed tongue or throat muscles, enlarged tongue, enlarged tonsils and adenoids, obesity, brain signals responsible for controlling throat muscles that do not work properly, and the shape of the head and neck . When someone has sleep apnea, that person snores loudly and takes deep breaths in their sleep.
  5. Central sleep apnea has several causes depending on the type, such as the following:
    a) Complex sleep apnea can occur because someone with obstructive sleep apnea receives treatment by continuously applying positive airway pressure.
    b) Cheyne-stokes respiration caused by congestive heart failure or stroke.
    c) Apnea Drug-induced disease is caused by certain drugs.
    d) Periodic breathing occurs when a person is at an altitude above 15,000 feet.
    e) Idiopathic central sleep apnea the exact cause is still unknown.
    f) Central sleep apnea caused by brain damage.
    g) Apnea Prematurity generally occurs in babies born prematurely, due to a nervous system that has not developed properly.

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Even if you are not a doctor, it is important for someone to learn how to give first aid to someone who has it stop breathing Why stop breathing it can happen anywhere and anytime.

First aid for people who stop breathing called basic life support (bhd). bhd it is an attempt to restore respiratory function to someone who has been arrested.

bhd it serves to maintain the oxygen supply to the brain, heart, and other vital organs of the body through cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR).

Here is the procedure bhd with CPR:

  1. Check the victim’s consciousness by shaking his body or pinching him.
  2. Place the victim supine on a hard, flat mat by rolling it over. Watch out for possible broken bones in the victim.
  3. Call emergency services without leaving casualties.
  4. Check if the victim is still breathing or not.
  5. If the victim isn’t breathing, open the airway by tilting the victim’s head back and holding their chin or jaw.
  6. Check again if the victim is breathing or not. Also check the pulse on the victim’s neck for a few seconds.
  7. If the victim is still not breathing, take two rescue breaths slowly and completely. Watch the victim’s chest rise.
  8. Look for the pulse on the victim’s neck again.
  9. If you can’t feel a pulse, apply chest compressions immediately with a cycle of 30 compressions and two rescue breaths.
  10. Continue to give CPR until the victim’s condition improves or worsens.

It should also be noted that CPR cannot be done haphazardly. There are several indicators for providing quality CPR.

  1. Mid-chest compression with one cycle of 30 compressions and two breaths.
  2. The compression depth is about 5-6 cm.
  3. Compression speed 100-120 times per minute.
  4. Allow the victim’s chest to fully expand after the compressions.
  5. Clear the victim’s airways by tilting his head back and holding his chin and holding his jaw.
  6. Provide adequate ventilation.
  7. If the medical device has arrived, perform a cardiac shock when appropriate.

Considering that what we are doing is limited to the emergency room, then entrust the next steps to professional medical personnel. (Annisa Roffina Nurprili)***

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