Home » today » Health » Current information from the Limburg-Weilburg district on the corona virus March 17, 2021: Limburg-Weilburg district

Current information from the Limburg-Weilburg district on the corona virus March 17, 2021: Limburg-Weilburg district



Limburg-Weilburg. The district administration has announced that as of Wednesday, March 17, 2021, 12 noon, 388 people are actively infected with the corona virus in the Limburg-Weilburg district. They are distributed over Limburg (104), Runkel (38), Hadamar (29), Dornburg (27), Weilburg (27), Villmar (24), Bad Camberg (23), Elz (19), Weinbach (15), Selters (14), Hünstelden (14), Beselich (12), Mengerskirchen (10), Elbtal (8), Brechen (8), Weilmünster (5), Waldbrunn (5), Merenberg (4) and Löhnberg (2)
So far there have been a total of 6133 confirmed cases (+50 on the previous day) – the British mutation was detected in 199 – 5505 people have now recovered (+14 on the previous day). 876 people are currently in quarantine in the district. 240 people unfortunately died in connection with the corona virus. There are currently 30 corona infected people in the district’s hospitals, 22 people in normal care beds and 8 in intensive care beds. In order to ensure the best possible care for Corona patients, there may be transfers between hospitals.
The incidence is 105.0. The incidence describes the number of new infections with the corona virus per 100,000 inhabitants within 7 days. The population of 172,328 is used as the basis for calculating the incidence of the Limburg-Weilburg district. The Limburg-Weilburg district was the only district in Hesse to have had a general decree since December 11, 2020, according to which corona tests had to be carried out regularly in facilities and also in hospitals. Since the state has created such obligations for the facilities in the meantime due to the Corona facility protection ordinance, corresponding regulations of the district for the hospitals are still in place. With regard to the facilities, there are currently no outbreaks to be recorded.
In the Limburg-Weilburg district, 13,124 people have received the first vaccination so far, and the second vaccinations are currently running within the given time frame. Around 700 people from our district were also vaccinated at the vaccination center in Wiesbaden.

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