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Curfew shortened by two hours

The inhabitants of Reunion have the right since Monday to two additional hours to circulate outside in the evening without justification. The start of the curfew put in place to combat the spread of Covid-19 has indeed been delayed. It now takes effect at 11 p.m. instead of 9 p.m., indicates The first one. A time lifted, the health measure had been reinstated on January 1.

A relief to come

The end time of the curfew has not been changed and remains fixed at 5 a.m. Local authorities intend to make the anti-coronavirus protocol less strict in the near future. However, this will require that the slowdown in the circulation of Covid-19 already observed continues.

On February 28, the curfew and gauges could be dropped entirely. Limits on the number of participants in gatherings should also disappear. In March, Reunion nightclubs could reopen and standing concerts be allowed again.

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