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Cultured Chicken: USDA Approves Upside Foods and Good Meat for Commercial Production

Will farmed chicken soon give way to “cultured chicken”? In a groundbreaking development, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has granted approval for the production and marketing of chicken made from animal cells by two prominent brands in this field, Upside Foods and Good Meat. This decision marks a significant step forward in the advancement of lab-grown meat.

Upside Foods wasted no time in expressing their excitement about the USDA’s authorization. They promptly announced on their website, “We have obtained authorization to sell our cell-grown chicken in the United States.” This green light from the USDA opens up new possibilities for the future of chicken production.

Both Upside Foods and Good Meat had already achieved a major regulatory milestone in November when they successfully completed the review procedure conducted by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), which oversees the food and drug market. This achievement paved the way for the recent USDA approval.

Good Meat, the cellular meat division of Eat Just, will now be able to produce its cultured chicken at its plant in Alameda, California. Additionally, they have partnered with Joinn Biologics, a contract manufacturer that has also undergone inspection by the USDA and obtained the necessary clearance. This collaboration will further enhance the production capacity of Good Meat’s lab-grown chicken.

Upside Foods, on the other hand, will commence commercial production of their cultured chicken at their plant in Emeryville, California. With the USDA’s approval, both brands are poised to revolutionize the chicken industry by offering an alternative to traditional farming methods.

The emergence of lab-grown chicken holds immense potential for addressing various concerns associated with conventional poultry farming. It offers a more sustainable and environmentally friendly approach to meat production, reducing the need for land, water, and other resources. Additionally, cultured chicken has the potential to eliminate the ethical concerns surrounding animal welfare in the meat industry.

As the demand for alternative protein sources continues to grow, the USDA’s green light for lab-grown chicken signifies a significant shift in the food industry. Upside Foods and Good Meat are at the forefront of this movement, pioneering the production and marketing of cultured chicken in the United States.

While it may take some time for lab-grown chicken to become widely available and accepted by consumers, this recent development marks a crucial milestone in the journey towards a more sustainable and ethical food system. As the world grapples with the challenges of feeding a growing population while minimizing environmental impact, the emergence of cultured chicken offers a promising solution.

The future of chicken production may indeed be shaped by the success of Upside Foods and Good Meat, as they lead the way in introducing lab-grown chicken to the market. With the USDA’s approval, the era of cultured chicken is dawning, and it remains to be seen how this innovative approach will reshape the global poultry industry.

What is the significance of the USDA’s decision to approve the production and sale of chicken made from animal cells?

A groundbreaking decision by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has paved the way for the production and sale of chicken made from animal cells, known as cultured chicken. This approval marks a significant advancement in lab-grown meat.

Leading brands in this field, Upside Foods and Good Meat, wasted no time in expressing their enthusiasm about the USDA’s authorization. Upside Foods announced on their website, “We have obtained authorization to sell our cell-grown chicken in the United States.” This opens up new possibilities for the future of chicken production.

Both Upside Foods and Good Meat had already achieved an important regulatory milestone in November when they successfully completed the review process conducted by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). This paved the way for the recent approval by the USDA.

Good Meat, which is the cellular meat division of Eat Just, will now be able to produce its cultured chicken at its plant in Alameda, California. They have also partnered with Joinn Biologics, a contract manufacturer that has undergone inspection by the USDA.

2 thoughts on “Cultured Chicken: USDA Approves Upside Foods and Good Meat for Commercial Production”

  1. Finally! It’s great to see the USDA giving the green light to Upside Foods and Good Meat for commercial production of cultured chicken. This is a significant step towards a sustainable and cruelty-free future for the meat industry. Exciting times ahead!

  2. The USDA’s approval of Upside Foods and Good Meat for commercial production is a significant step forward for cultured chicken. Exciting times lie ahead as we witness the potential of lab-grown meat to revolutionize the food industry and address sustainability concerns.


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