Home » today » World » Cuban baby with rare illness wakes up from a coma that lasted 22 days – 2024-05-09 14:37:06

Cuban baby with rare illness wakes up from a coma that lasted 22 days – 2024-05-09 14:37:06

A baby from Pinar del Río, who was diagnosed with West syndrome, woke up after more than 20 days in a coma.

This is little Ahittana, who was hospitalized and diagnosed when she was eight months old after suffering several seizures.

According to her mother, the minor spent 22 days in a coma, during which time her family waited for improvements.

“Dear daughter, it was 22 long days waiting for your eyes to open again. My tears falling into your hands while I asked God to wake you up from that deep sleep,” wrote her mother, Marielys Pérez, on Facebook.

The woman was grateful for what happened, dedicating several moving words to her daughter. Likewise, she thanked all the people who have been attentive to her case.

“Today I want to thank you all for being there, paying attention minute by minute for Ahittana’s health… She has shown me once again that she is very strong, she is a tireless warrior, that gives me a lot of strength to continue advancing without stopping. Infinite blessings to you, my girl, and to all of you,” she added.

According to the description shared in the campaign GoFundMe Created by the family, Ahittana needed a medication called levetiracetam, which is out of stock in pharmacies on the Island.

This information also indicates that some people managed to donate an artificial respirator, so the baby can finish recovering at home, with her loved ones.

This device would have been purchased in the United States, so it took a little time to arrive on the Island, but this will allow, with the doctors’ permission, the little girl to return home.

“Friends, given the stability that Ahittana has shown despite her complicated pathology and medical condition, the team of doctors who care for her have said that, if the necessary conditions are obtained at home, the girl could be discharged.” , reads an update in the campaign.

While the respirator represents a great advantage for the minor, the campaign points out that the constant blackouts experienced on the Island constitute a great risk, so the campaign was going to continue open until a power generating plant could be obtained.

“All of this depends on the contributions we can obtain, this to achieve the long-awaited return of Ahittana, which is why we ask everyone who can help to do so, the amount does not matter if we all help,” said update concludes.

West Syndrome is a rare epileptic disorder that affects young children, which is characterized by muscle spasms and an abnormal pattern of brain activity on the electroencephalogram.

This disease usually begins in early childhood, usually between 4 and 6 months of age, and affected children experience developmental delays and cognitive impairment due to constant epileptic activity.

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