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CS: GO – Valve is testing a new anti-social protection; the first version fell in an hour

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today, 13:25

A few days ago, as part of beta-testing, CS: GO received a new anti-cheat. It quickly came to light that the software was broken in an hour, and the new function also causes a lot of problems with the game’s performance.

Will there be fewer cheaters in CS: GO?


  • Valve has implemented to beta CS:GO new anti-cheat;
  • security was broken in an hour;
  • it turned out that the anti-cheater system also causes problems with the smooth operation of the game.

Valve a few days ago poinformowa³o, ¿Ew CS:GO A new beta-test feature will be available that allows players to fire up production with a much more stringent anti-cheat (here you’ll find instructions on how to get to the beta). The new security will deal with most of the programs used so far. Of course, this function is only in the beta phase, so there is no reason to expect that CS-a suddenly all the cheats disappear. At present, Valve simply encourages players to test the functionality and optimize the new anti-cheat. It is not known when it will be implemented permanently.

After the initial excitement of players that Valve in what? the way he tries to fight the cheaters, it soon turned out that the new security was broken just an hour after it came out.

It has also come to light that anti-cheat can have a fatal impact on the smoothness of the game. Players, including professional players, report that Nvidia card holders who have decided to take part in testing may experience many optimization problems because of this. Valve has already announced that these errors will be corrected quickly.

Players are certainly happy that Valve decided to get on with the serious fight with cheaters at all. Everyone who played in CS:GO, he is well aware of how many cheats are in the game. The solution to this problem was to be paid Prime status, thanks to which we are matched to one queue with others who paid for it, but it did not bring the expected effect.

It should be borne in mind that problems with cheaters are unfortunately the hallmark of free online shooters available on personal computers. Developers decided on an interesting solution in this topic Valoranta. This game has been implemented anti-cheat Vanguard working at the kernel level. His task is primarily to catch cheaters quickly and prevent them from returning to the game. Although it raises a lot of controversy (due to a large interference in the system), it seems to be a much better solution than mere attempts to hinder firing cheats. However, getting rid of cheaters in free shooters at the moment seems practically impossible.

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