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Criticism of Sarah Salameh over “Ya Me Ya Jeddou” series

Nihal Nasser In the news, cinema and television, Ramadan 2020

Posted Date: Sunday, April 26 2020 – 14:16 | Last update: Sunday, April 26 2020 – 14:16
4/26/2020 2:16:39 PM

Sarah Salama was criticized during her role in the series “Ya Anna Ya Jeddou”.

Dates and channels of the series “Ya Anna Ya Jeddou”

In the series, Sarah plays the role of “Cream”, a girl selling Koshari in a popular neighborhood.


Some people on social media criticized the makeup that Sarah puts while she was standing to sell the Koshari, especially for using thick, lashes.


It seems that this may be due to the fact that the makers of the series decided to show the popular lane in a different form from the usual form on it, whether in reality or in artworks, as the lane appears painted in soft, calm colors and in a clean form.

The series revolves around “Youssef” Tariq Sabri, the grandson of one of the rich and wants to be associated with “Cream”, but there are many surprises and comic situations.

All you need to know about Ahmed Ya Djedro’s series “Ya Anna Ya Jeddou”

The series “Ya Anna Ya Jeddo” starring Ahmed Badir, Sarah Salama, Mohamed Nagati, Tariq Sabri, Ahmed Salama, Medhat Tika, Rana Samaha, Abdullah Musharraf, Muhammad Al-Sawy, Munir Makram and Hassan Abdel-Fattah, and some young faces, which was written by Fathi Al-Jundi and artistic producer Osama Sarkis, produced The company “Light” is owned by Issam Tantawi, and directed by Adel Al-Aasar.

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