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Craftsmanship: A micro-roasting business is active in Vaulion

Few inhabitants of the region know them, no sign announces their very discreet small business, but Cyril Romand and his wife Sonia Alberino are very active in their premises of Cafés Roger located on the heights of Vaulion, in the fairground hamlet of Plane. Our roaster Vaulienis is not in this business by chance, one could even say that he fell into it when he was little. The parent company of Cafés Roger, created by grandfather Roger Perrot, has been established on French soil, in Lons-le-Saunier, since 1956. It is therefore no surprise that we find Cyril Romand in his lair with strong scents roasted coffee.

They are only two to work in these places, but all the same process more than 10 tons of coffee each year. The origin of the stacked bags, full of beautiful green beans, is clearly visible: in addition to Ethiopia, where the coffee originates, there are Brazil, Costa Rica, Colombia, and several other countries in South America and Africa, mainly. In all, thirty-one kinds of coffee are used. Cyril and Sonia explain that coffee is mainly grown on the equator, between the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn. A few exceptions are known, however, such as Panama, Australia, Reunion and, more recently, still in an embryonic state, Sicily.

Les Cafés Roger mainly offer single-origin coffees and only make blends on request. Of the 31 coffees, 10 are certified organic, i.e. 30%, but in fact around 80% are organic, but not all of them are certified, some countries do not have an organic standard. The entire chain, from roasting to packaging, is done on site. There is no stock. While Cyril manages the roasting, Sonia takes care of packaging, packaging, promotion, orders and delivery. You can therefore order coffee in beans, ground or in pods, whose packaging made from corn is compostable. About 160,000 pods are sold each year. Distribution is done through numerous points of sale located in French-speaking Switzerland, i.e. in the cantons of Vaud, Geneva, Neuchâtel, Valais. Bulk shops are of course among their customers. Restaurateurs, on the other hand, prefer to buy in reusable packaging of 10 kg. You can also order online. In addition to coffees, our roasters also offer very special teas and liqueurs of their own, with coffee as a common point.

The proud Berna 1941 in the colors of Cafés Roger in coffee bar mode

When the Cafés Roger boutique travels to fairs, exhibitions or special events, it does not go unnoticed. A former Swiss army truck, a very special Berna from 1941, has been completely restored and transformed into a mobile roaster and turns into a coffee shop according to demand. Cyril and Sonia are present at about fifteen events each year, Paléo and the Comptoir du pied du Jura among others. Do not hesitate to stop if you see the Cafés Roger truck of our friendly Vaulienis. https://boutique-the-cafe.ch

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