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COVID-19 in Bourgogne-Franche-Comté: Protect yourself against the flu virus too!

If all the departments of Bourgogne-Franche-Comté show an incidence in the general population of less than or equal to 50 per 100 000 inhabitants, the indicator is on the rise again among those over 65, in particular in Haute-Saône and Saône-et-Loire.

This relative jump corresponds to the entry into the colder and wetter months, which also favor the circulation of common winter ailments.

Everyone can also observe a real relaxation of barrier gestures that should nevertheless be reactivated in their family, friendly or professional circle … Immediate prevention means, easy to implement.

Collective protection also involves vaccination, which is continuing. The ARS reiterates the importance of the recall (or “ 3th dose ») to stimulate the immune system.

This recall currently concerns people 65 years and over, residents or not in EHPAD / USLD, people under 65 vaccinated with Janssen, people at high risk of contracting a severe form, professionals in the health and medical sectors. -social and firefighters.

Nearly 120 000 people have taken the initiative in the region, a significant figure, to be improved however !

Vaccination coverage (1 dose)
12-17 years old 79%
12 years and over 88%
18 years and over 88%
18-49 years 84%
50-64 years 90%
65-74 years 95%
75 years and over 93%

Simultaneous administration of vaccines

Those most at risk are also concerned by the influenza vaccination campaign, which starts today (the campaign began on October 18 in nursing homes).

If last winter was illustrated by a virtual absence of circulation of influenza viruses in France and in the world, the flu has not disappeared and the High Authority of Health (HAS) recalls that the absence of immunity acquired in 2020-2021 could even increase the risk of transmission of the virus.

To avoid any delay, the HAS recommends offering the simultaneous administration of vaccines against Covid-19 (primary vaccination or booster dose) and against seasonal influenza, as long as a person is eligible for both.

Vaccination centers and local health professionals in Bourgogne-Franche-Comté are continuing their commitment on this dual front.

Since March 2020, the toll of the COVID epidemic has stood at 4 958 people died in health establishments; 2,307 in medico-social establishments in the region.

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