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Could fuel prices go down on December 1? This is the word of Pertamina..

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia Corporate entities supplying fuel oil (BBM), including PT Pertamina (Persero), often adjust the price of unsubsidized fuels on or after 1. This fuel price adjustment signal flares up again when world crude oil prices are in decline.

Brent oil prices were recorded at $85.12 a barrel during trading on Thursday (11/25/2022), down 0.3%. Then light oil or West Texas Intermediate (WTI) fell 0.2% to $77.96 a barrel. Brent crude fell 2.9% for the week while WTI fell 2.7%.

PT Pertamina managing director Patra Niaga Alfian Nasution said that until now his party was still waiting for the movement of crude oil prices in the global market. Therefore, he is not sure when the price of RON 92 or Pertamax fuel will decrease.

“It’s only 1 Pertamax, the others are cheaper. We depend on the market price, yes there is a possibility of decrease, of course there will be, there still is. It depends on the market, yes there is a formulation, the formulation comes from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources”, said Alfian in the DPR RI headquarters, on Monday (11/21/2022).

As is known, Pertamina had previously made changes to unsubsidized fuel prices for several products effective November 1, 2022. Among them were Pertamax Turbo, Dexlite and Pertamina Dex.

As for the price of unsubsidised diesel in the DKI Jakarta area, such as Dexlite, it has risen from the previous 17,800 rupees per liter to 18,000 rupees. Meanwhile, Pertamina Dex has gone from Rp. 18,100 per liter at Rp. 18,550 per litre.

However, the price of Pertamax Turbo fuel itself actually dropped from the previous 14,940 IDR per liter to 14,300 IDR per liter. Meanwhile, the price of Pertamax itself is currently at the level of IDR 13,900 per litre.

Meanwhile, if you look at other private fuel distribution entities like Shell, for example, the price of Shell Super fuel equivalent to Pertamax RON 92 has dropped from Rp. 14,150 per liter at Rp. 13,550 per litre.

[Gambas:Video CNBC]

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