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CÔTE-D’OR: Yolaine de Courson deplores the absence of doctrine from the National Agency for the Cohesion of Territories

Having completed a “Tour de France ANCT” last March, the woman who was rapporteur for the law founding the new agency finds that it is little known in the territories. In an open letter to Jacqueline Gourault, the member for Côte-d’Or asked for “massive communication” with the prefectures.

Open letter signed by Yolaine de Courson on June 5, 2020:

Subject: Deployment of the National Territorial Cohesion Agency

Madam Minister,

Wanted by the President of the Republic to facilitate the implementation of territorial projects, the National Territorial Cohesion Agency (ANCT) was officially created on January 1.

The vocation of this agency responds to a double objective: on the one hand to make germinate and succeed the projects of development and cohesion in the territories and, on the other hand, to ensure the local implementation of the national programs.

But this long-awaited new breath to make projects succeed and improve the daily lives of French people does not resonate in the territories.

The fault is the lack of a precise and clearly identified doctrine, an absence raised in the information report on the application of the law that I presented last March 4 with MP Hubert Wulfranc. The fault is also due to the lack of information regarding the Agency’s intervention methods.

As you know, I started in May 2019 an “Tour de France ANCT” which allowed me to meet local elected officials, prefectural representatives and the different partners of the future Agency. Completed on March 5 after 15 stages, this Tour de France allowed me to observe the interest and the real motivation on the part of elected officials for this one-stop shop.

However, since its creation, I have noticed a lack of awareness among elected officials in our country and, more worryingly, by the prefectural authorities of its existence, its objectives and its missions.

Announced by the Minister of Action and Public Accounts, the next amending finance bill will contain provisions relating to local authorities whose cumulative loss of revenue in 2020 and 2021 could reach € 4.9 billion according to the note presented on March 27 by the president and general rapporteur of the Senate finance committee, Vincent Eblé and Albéric de Montgolfier. A low estimate, if one believes several officials of local elected officials.

However, local authorities and their elected representatives will play an essential role in the recovery and transformation that the Government calls for to cope with the consequences of the health crisis.

It is the moment or never to “give flesh” quickly and effectively to the structure already built, so that the ANCT can begin to fulfill its missions, to make it the spearhead of structuring projects and generators of the essential cohesion, in particular in the area of ​​ecological transition and in terms of solidarity between territories.

Almost a year after the promulgation of the law and almost 6 months after the effective creation of the Agency, we are astonished that no massive communication was deployed with the prefectures and the elected officials, that it was not already implemented operationally nationally and locally, and that no project is, it seems, still supported in the territories.

It must have been “hand-sewn” to use your words, but it would seem that its operation is still somewhat disjointed. This is unfortunate for this beautiful and useful operator of the State that is the ANCT.

Thanking you in advance for the information that you will be able to transmit to us on the actions undertaken by the Agency and counting on you to enable it to fight effectively against territorial fractures and to fully play its role of support for communities and their elected representatives, please accept, Madam Minister, the expression of our sincere greetings.

Yolaine de Courson
Member of the Côte d’Or

Delphine Bagarry
Member of the Alpes-de-Haute-Provence

Emilie Cariou
Deputy of the Meuse

Annie Hatter
Deputy of Gard

Guillaume Chiche
Deputy of Deux-Sèvres

Jennifer De Temmerman
Member of the North

Loïc Dombreval
Deputy of the Alpes Maritimes

Frédérique Dumas
Deputy of Hauts-de-Seine

Nadia Essayan
Deputy of Cher

Paula Forteza
French MP established outside France

Albane Gaillot
Deputy of Val-de-Marne

Sandrine Josso
Member for Loire-Atlantique

Hubert Julien-Laferrière
Member of the Rhône

Stéphanie Kerbarh
Deputy of Seine-Maritime

Jean-Charles Larsonneur
Deputy of Finistère

Sébastien Nadot
Deputy of Haute-Garonne

Matthieu Orphelin
MP for Maine-et-Loire

Valérie Petit
Member of the North

Nathalie Sarles
Member of the Loire

Aurélien Taché
Deputy of Val-d’Oise

Sabine Thillaye
Member of Parliament for Indre-et-Loire

Frédérique Tuffnell
Deputy of Charente-Maritime

Laurence Vanceunebrock
Deputy of Allier

Pierre Vatin
Deputy of Oise

Martine Wonner
Member for Bas-Rhin

Hubert Wulfranc
Deputy of Seine Maritime

Mrs Jacqueline GOURAULT
Minister of Territorial Cohesion
and Relations with local authorities
20, avenue de Ségur
75700 Paris SP 07

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