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Corpoworking, this corporate coworking space

The Covid-19 pandemic has prompted many companies to set up new ways of working: teleworking, nomadic, flex office … And among the alternatives to the fixed office assigned to each employee, there is the corpoworking. It is not only a question of providing shared offices for employees and outside workers, but above all of making the most of lost spaces. the corpoworking, towards a new organization of company premises?

What is the corpoworking?

This term comes from the merger between corporate and coworking, which designates a collaborative workspace within the same company. Concretely, this translates into shared offices made available to employees in the premises of a company. Until then, it looks like flex office, an operating mode in which everyone settles down to a free office.

But what differentiates the corpoworking, it is the opening of these spaces to external employees. A company can therefore welcome employees belonging to its ecosystem, such as customers, service providers or even a young branch in full development. It can also lend these shared spaces to a completely different society which seeks to relocate, or to nomadic employees.

What are the benefits of corpoworking for employees and the company?

For businesses, it is above all a new source of income. By renting out these shared spaces, they make a return on the square meters previously lost in their premises. Because with the generalization of teleworking, it is a phenomenon which could be accentuated. But unused office space continues to cost the business. But parting with these premises remains complex. This is why the corpoworking appears to be a financially attractive alternative for companies.

But these spaces are also available to their own employees. Because it is above all a collaborative workspace. Employees of the same company can therefore gather around innovative projects, to share another work dynamic by breaking the routine. This creates a spirit of community which encourages initiative, autonomy and flexibility.

And exchanges can also be done with external employees. If they come from the same branch, this device encourages exchanges and knowledge sharing which can be motivating and give workers back the desire to find the way to the office often neglected with the various confinements due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

(By the editorial staff of the hREF agency)

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