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Coronavirus: tips for disinfecting your home

As you know, coronavirus is spread from person to person and can remain active on surfaces for several hours or even days. Whether or not you (or someone living with you) have symptoms associated with COVID-19, you should be vigilant in thoroughly disinfecting your home, especially if you go out to work or go shopping.

Rigid surfaces

Before disinfecting rigid surfaces, wash them with soapy water or a mild detergent. The coronavirus can then be killed with a homemade solution of water and bleach (measure a teaspoon of bleach diluted in a cup of water). Some household cleaners are also effective in removing the virus. To find out which ones, visit the Health Canada website.

The main areas to target are:

  • Cabinets and drawers;
  • Countertops;
  • Switches;
  • Children’s toys;
  • Washbasins;
  • Door handles;
  • Nightstands;
  • Dining room tables and chairs;

In addition, electronic devices (computer keyboards, mice, touch screens, phones, remote controls, video game controllers) should be cleaned according to the manufacturer’s recommendations. Covering these items with washable plastic wrap can also be handy.


It is best to wash your clothes, sheets and towels with the warmest possible water allowed by the manufacturer. If you are handling items that have been touched by someone with COVID-19 or have symptoms, use disposable gloves and wash your hands immediately after removing them. To avoid spreading the virus into ambient air, do not shake contaminated tissue. Finally, don’t forget to disinfect your laundry basket as you would with another rigid surface.

Soft materials

Even if the coronavirus has a shorter lifespan on porous or soft surfaces, you should wash rugs, carpets and upholstery, among other things, according to the instructions on the label. You can never be too careful!

In closing, remember that washing your hands regularly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds is the most effective way to protect yourself and others.

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