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Coronavirus, the prefecture closes two markets and a gym

Five days of stop to the activities of San Giuseppe di Comacchio, Porto Garibaldi and Pontemaodino

COMACCHIO. Shutters closed, by order of the prefect Michele Campanaro, for two commercial establishments, the Lidl of San Giuseppe and the Brico Io of Porto Garibaldi, for non-compliance with the anti Covid 19 regulations. For five days, ie from yesterday until March 28 inclusive, the two shops will remain closed, following the notification of the closing order, ordered by the Prefect, as both had put on sale, on Saturday or Sunday, products not included among the types allowed, during the weekend, in the red band. Until the evening, in the parking lot of the two shops, the comings and goings of customers’ cars, forced to move elsewhere. At the entrance to the Lidl di San Giuseppe there is a sign that invites buyers to move to the Municipality of Codigoro, to use the Lidl store, located in via Crocettola.

However, there is also a gym, that of Pontemaodino, Area 51 Fitness and Body Building, among those affected by the closure measures ordered by the prefect of Ferrara. Yesterday, in fact, the carabinieri of the Codigoro station notified the owners of the prefectural closing order for 15 days, on the basis of the old provision taken three months ago, at the height of a meticulous investigative activity.

At the preliminary closure of 5 days, already discounted and the fine of 400 euros, there are now additional 10 days of closure, which for the Pontemaodino gym can only start when the sports facilities can regularly reopen their doors. Now in fact the structure is closed like all the other gyms.

In violation of the rules dictated by the Dpcm that provide for the closure of gyms and swimming pools, for the owners of Area Fitness 51 and Body Building a complaint was also made on the loose, to the judicial authority, pursuant to article 650 of the Criminal Code. –


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