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Coronavirus mortality in Bulgaria is already the highest in the EU

WHO estimates Covid-19 could take nearly a quarter of a million lives in Europe by 1 December

Against the background of proposals for stricter measures and warnings for an impending wave of COVID with the more contagious “Delta” version, Bulgaria is in first place in the EU in another black ranking – the deaths from coronavirus per million inhabitants within 7 days. This is shown by the data from the portal worldometers.info, bTV reported.

There were 37 deaths per million population in Bulgaria last week with COVID-19. This is a jump of 95% compared to the previous period and is one of the sharpest deteriorations within the EU. There are more coronavirus deaths per 1 million people in Europe in northern Macedonia, Montenegro and Russia alone.

The new cases in our country are also growing seriously on a weekly basis – by 28%. The most serious from this point of view is the situation in San Marino, Hungary and Norway, where growth is almost double. The incidence is highest in Ireland, Greece and France.

Earlier today, the Chief State Health Inspector Angel Kunchev sent a report to the Minister of Health proposing the introduction of new restrictive measures regarding the gathering of people related to the conduct of various public activities, events, visits to sites of public importance.

Meanwhile, the Ministry of Health today announced a list of diagnostic-consulting and medical centers in the country where COVID zones have been discovered.

See the full list here >>

Patients in the Covid areas will be able to receive clinical examinations, laboratory tests, X-rays and be prescribed medication if they need to be treated at home.

WHO: Covid-19 is likely to kill nearly a quarter of a million in Europe by December 1st

Against the backdrop of a growing number of new coronavirus infections, the World Health Organization has warned that Covid-19 is likely to take nearly a quarter of a million lives (about 236,000) in Europe this fall due to the aggressiveness of the Delta coronavirus variant and the steadily declining immunization campaign.

The number of vaccinations in the 53 countries under the supervision of WHO Director-General for Europe Hans Kluge has fallen by 14 per cent since mid-July. Of the 53 WHO member states in Europe, 33 have also reported more than 10% morbidity in the past two weeks.

“Several countries are starting to see an increased workload of sick people and more deaths – 11% more last week than the previous week. At this rate, the forecast is that by December 1, there will be at least 236,000 deaths in Europe. with Covid-19, Kluge was quoted as saying by AFP.

The WHO also reports unchanging static levels of vaccination and the low rate of immunization in poorer countries.

Only six percent of people in low- and middle-income countries in Europe are fully vaccinated, and some countries have managed to vaccinate only one in 10 health professionals, according to the organization.

According to WHO Director for Europe Hans Kluge, an 11% increase in deaths on the Old Continent was reported last week. He added that the “stagnation of vaccination” in Europe is a matter of serious concern.

There are currently 1.3 million deaths due to Covid infection on the continent.

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