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Coronavirus Lombardia, 97 new cases and 13 deaths. “Covid has not changed, but has lost its charge”

Milan, 29 June 2020 – I’m 97 i new positive for Coronavirus in Lombardy in the last 24 hours, of which 22 following serological tests and 31 “weakly positive”. The swabs made are 8.119 for a total of 1.022.440. The patients recovered and those discharged are instead 111 for a total of 66.175 of which 63,699 recovered and 2,476 discharged. Intensive care patients stable: I’m 43, while the number of non-ICU patients decreases: 323, -92 compared to yesterday. There are 13 deaths, for a total of 16,639, while the day before there were only 2.

Provincial data

Covid-19 infections in Milan are increasing again: 16 new cases including 4 in Milan city. Saturday there were 4 of which 1 in the capital. The highest numbers are registered at Brescia +22 (Saturday +14) and Bergamo +20 (Saturday +22). TO Monza and Brianza +7 (Saturday + 5); to Cremona e Pavia +6 (Saturdays respectively +5 and +4); in Mantua +4 (Saturday +6). They follow Lecco and Varesand with +3 (Saturdays +1 and +10 respectively), Sondrio with +2 (Saturday 0) ea How only one case (Saturday +5).

Zangrillo: “Coronavirus not changed, but has lost its charge”

Despite the ups and downs of the numbers, the Coronavirus emeregnza has been overcome. “If I go back 4 months ago, the March 28th was the day I was most scared, I felt like crying. I didn’t know where to put the sick, “admitted the primary of San Raffaele of Milan, Alberto Zangrillo, Lucia Annunziata guest at ‘Mezz’ora in più’, on Rai3. And he added: “But today is the June 28 and all the indicators are absolutely favorable “. Zangrillo explained: “The viral load also depends on the replicative ability of the virus. Virologists are watching from the swabs that the virus has lost this ability. Then there is another aspect, these viruses all have a history. It is not that this, which has presented itself in a worse way and is in some ways still unknown, cannot trace what has happened for other similar viruses, which at some point have their ‘production cycle’ has ended. Instead of thinking about the Spanish or more dramatic events, maybe we also take this aspect into consideration “.

Mattarella in Bergamo to remember the Covid victims

Sunday evening, the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella made it tribute to all Covid victims. And he did it in Bergamo, in front of the monumental cemetery, symbol of the drama that hit the Lombardy province. A large stage has been set up here Requiem Mass by Gaetano Donizetti. “A Bergamo, tonight is Italy that has suffered, who was hurt, who cried. And who, wanting to fully resume the rhythms of life, knows of not being able to forget what happened“said the head of state.

Coronavirus, no prize for precarious “heroes”

If on the one hand we remember the victims of Covid, on the other, at times, it seems we forget those who worked hard during the emergency period. The contracts health care? “We are B series screw “. Excluded from the award recognized by the Region to all those who fought in hospitals during the most critical period of the coronavirus emergency. Forgotten “only because of being workers administered”, or called into service through temporary agencies. Only at San Gerardo of Monza and at the hospital of Desio the social and health workers administered are about 150: “In recent days, an agreement was signed at the Monza ASST that cut off the” administered “from the distribution of the so-called RAR, the additional regional resources”, reports Giovanni Agudio, coordinator of the Felsa Monza Brianza Lecco (the CISL structure that protects self-employed and atypical workers). For them , no Covid awards. Not a penny. In many cases not even a thank you.

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