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Coronavirus, latest news: eight more Covid cases in Tokyo 2020, including an athlete


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Covid, the British enjoy the sea without restrictions
  • Virologist Crisanti: fourth wave? “It is not divinatory art, look at Gb”

    A fourth wave of Covid-19 in Italy? “If you look at what happened in England, which in my opinion is an anticipation of what will happen in Italy, also considering the fact that the protection rate of the Italian population is lower than the English one, it is not that we need a divination art to understand what will happen in Italy. It is written in the graph of England ”. Word of Andrea Crisanti, director of the Department of Molecular Medicine at the University of Padua, who spoke at ‘Agorà Estate’ on Rai3. “England went from a thousand cases to 50 thousand in 40 days” per day, underlines the virologist. And it is only “partially true”, he warns, that there are no repercussions on hospitalizations and deaths. “England went from 2-3 deaths to 50 deaths a day and from 500 hospitalizations to 2,500, on the rise.” So beware of “a narrative that is false – warns Crisanti – With this number of cases, without vaccine, England would easily have 700-800 deaths a day. And anyway, if the cases in England increase further, as they probably will increase, they will have 100 deaths a day ”.

  • Calenda (Action): Unvaccinated political leaders? This is serious

    “The leaders of the first and second Italian parties did not get vaccinated. The mayor of the capital either. Count boh. Then you wonder why there are 2.5 million over 60s who don’t get vaccinated. Meanwhile, I’m taking the second dose today. #vaccinate “. Carlo Calenda, leader of Action and candidate for mayor of Rome, writes it on Twitter. “And this situation is all the more inconvenient as the leaders in question are those who say ‘no to closures’, ‘no to the limitations of freedoms’, ‘no to the mask’ etc – continues Calenda -. 128,000 people died. Party games on something so serious are not allowed ”.

  • In South Korea 1,784 new cases, a record since the beginning of the pandemic

    In South Korea, 1,784 new cases of Covid-19 have been recorded in the last 24 hours, the highest number since the beginning of the pandemic and which exceeds the record reached last week. The data, released by the South Korean Agency for Disease Prevention and Control, is due to the spread of the delta variant in the country, which has so far managed to contain the infections relatively well. In recent days, the Seoul Ministry of Health spoke of a “fourth wave”.

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