Home » today » News » Coronavirus, immigration and a woman to the vice presidency: points from the first real debate between Biden and Sanders | Univision News US Elections 2020

Coronavirus, immigration and a woman to the vice presidency: points from the first real debate between Biden and Sanders | Univision News US Elections 2020

The eleventh debate among Democratic candidates was actually the first in which candidates for the party’s presidential nomination had the opportunity to contrast their campaign agendas in depth, without shrillness and without interruption.

In a television studio in Washington DC, without an audience and only in front of CNN and Univision Noticias presenters, Joe Biden Y Bernie Sanders addressed various topics in a debate in which the spread of coronavirus He was the protagonist, marking a good part of the start of the event and its end.

The confrontation was characterized by the generally friendly tone between the two, without shrillness or interruptions, although there were at least a couple of moments when the candidates faced each other verbally without the moderators intervening to stop the discussion.

There were several “first times,” such as when Biden said he would support Sanders and campaign for him if he wins the primary, or when he promised to choose a woman to accompany him as vice president, and even the time spent talking about immigration, which was higher than in previous discussions.

Separated by the coronavirus: this was the debate between Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders (photos)


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