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Corona protests: How the New Right chases the conspirators

“With homeopathy, herbs and, above all, patience, we can defeat every disease. And in a vaccination, if you go online, you can see what’s inside. Except for monkey brains, goose liver, uterus, 120 micrograms of mercury and recently also micro chips – Bill Gates makes everything possible people “

Conspiracy theorists and their followers are currently receiving as much attention as rarely. In ever new threatening scenarios, they stir up fears and uncertainties and call for demonstrations.

Attila Hildmann
“I couldn’t look away from Day 1 of Corona – when I saw the tanks, of Defender 2020 that rolled through the country, at the train stations in Germany that they didn’t tell you about, they kept everything from you!”

Only a few loud thousands take to the streets, and the videos are viewed millions of times by conspiracy theorists on the Internet. Your message: Overpowering elites are in the process of installing a new world order in secret.

Xavier Naidoo
“You’re just killing Germany.”

The Corona virus either becomes a distraction to cover up the dead with the new 5G network, a bio-weapon or does not exist at all. Bill Gates, the so-called mainstream media, the Jewish billionaire Georg Soros and Angela Merkel: They should all work together.

Volker Weiss, historian
“The fact that there is any group of people who could unnoticedly force all countries of the world under a dictation that does as planned does not only testify to the complete ignorance of social, international and economic structures, but it is already so contradictory in itself if one Take a look at which societies, which are also structured completely differently, are sometimes also hostile to one another and so on, which is already so contradictory in itself the idea of ​​control, remote control, external control, yes, who does not mind , he doesn’t mind other contradictions either. “

The argumentation patterns are not new, conspiracy theories have been around for centuries – mostly they are anti-Semitic. In the oversupply of the Internet, in which serious-looking content can now be published without much effort, exaggerated voices mix with organized new right-wing media makers such as the video offshoot of the Compact Magazine by Jürgen Elsässer, which the Constitutional Protection Service regards as a right-wing extreme suspected case. They also speak of a dictatorship, of conspiracies and exploit real fears.

Jürgen Elsasser
“The WHO, which is controlled by Bill Gates.”

You, too, speak of a dictatorship, of conspiracies and are looking to connect with real fears.

Jürgen Elsasser
“Merkel doesn’t want to let us out – it’s like Honecker” “Keyword Corona dictatorship, where I stand behind”

Volker Weiss, historian
“The right naturally works specifically to increase insecurities. (…) We can see that now, when the dictatorship rhetoric is tightened. That is actually the slogan with which they can work right now. There are drastic restrictions on civil rights That is actually because of the measures against the pandemic, it is so at the moment. And that can be connected with the claim that we are already in a dictatorship anyway. Interestingly enough, dictatorial measures will actually be taken in other countries if you go to Hungary looks, completely silent, because Hungary is actually the desired example. You would like it to be the same. There is a big contradiction: a democracy that tries to deal with the crisis administratively, that is, the Federal Republic, is called a dictatorship, while an illiberal state how Hungary actually acts dictatorially under Viktor Orbán, the military is used. That is kept silent and admired. “

For years, so-called New Rights such as Götz Kubitschek, confidant of Björn Höcke and thought leader of the right-wing extremist identity movement, have wished for a division of society in order to inspire Germans again for ethnic nationalism in the mood of crisis. One of their conspiracy theories: There would be an elite-controlled population exchange, the Germans should be replaced by Arab migrants – why is not explained in more detail. Now an alleged corona conspiracy is bringing the world to a standstill, the borders are tight for the time being – how does that fit in with an orchestrated exchange by a controlled government?

Volker Weiss, historian
“For the time being, the entire right could not really deal with this crisis. It was not their crisis. It was a scenario that they were not prepared for. For the simple reason: It has been said for years that society, the state structures, the administrations in the Federal Republic are unable to act. And now all of a sudden these structures have proven to be capable of acting and at the same time they have also proven to be reasonably transparent, in comparison to other countries, and quite transparent. And this whole story that Germany is actually not a state – that didn’t work anymore, and you could see that from the polls, that the crisis, the pandemic, and the crisis were at the expense of the AfD’s market share. “

The AfD has lost slightly in current polls and the party leadership was moderate at the beginning of the crisis and did not want to talk down the virus. But little by little the right-wing populists have adapted to the protests, now registering them themselves and summoning them to be stigmatized – in the style of the conspiracy theorists, some AfDers even claim that the government is feigning a permanent crisis.

Robby’s throat, AfD member of the Bundestag
Who knows what will follow with a third law to protect the population? It suggests a permanent crisis that doesn’t exist. “

Volker Weiss, historian
“The right has seen that there is now a diffuse protest and would like to take the lead of a diffuse protests, practically following the model of Pegida, where you have already successfully practiced. It is of course good for you that your own people are partly involved yes, we are already in. And that is exactly what Pegida compares in the internal debates: We have already done this successfully, but given the refugee situation, there was a relatively broad, diffuse spectrum of protests can quickly get to the top. And organizing the corresponding. Now you try something similar. ”

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