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Corona noise over opening schools and daycare centers: explosive report reveals huge zoff among prime ministers

The corona virus is not yet considered defeated, but can schools and daycare centers go back to work soon? Public opinion is clear.

  • For weeks, students have been Corona virus don’t go to school.
  • The Infection numbers in Germany stagnate – how does politics react?
  • Many people are gradually demanding that return ins normal life.
  • Here are basic facts about the corona virus and the Corona news from Germany*. In addition: current case numbers as a map.

Update 7.49 p.m .: The prime ministers don’t really want to join until tomorrow Wednesday Chancellor Angela Merkel Discuss the possible reopening of schools, but already there are more and more tendencies What also became clear in the course of Tuesday: The debate is becoming more and more explosive and is becoming a real topic of dispute.

According to the picture the 16 federal states have completely quarreled when trying to develop uniform criteria. While Baden-Württemberg tries to be patient (see update at 17:27), thrashes North Rhine-Westphalia Prime Minister Armin Laschet and advocates quick loosening (5:10 p.m.).

The behavior of the CDU politician is now causing criticism. SPD health expert Karl Lauterbach said the picture: “These announcements and Alone efforts by Armin Laschet and his ministers are absolutely not helpful. We do not need to rush ahead of individual countries, we need uniform, nationwide rules that are understandable to citizens. ”

In the school dispute, the prime ministers would be split into two camps. Bavaria, Hamburg, Saarland, Brandenburg and Thuringia should share the opinion of Baden-Württemberg to wait and see, while Berlin and North Rhine-Westphalia should also prefer to reopen soon.

Update 18:58: Manuela Schwesig (SPD) was quite skeptical about opening schools. The Prime Minister of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania justified this with the general disagreement over the question of which age groups should be sent back to school first.

Referring to the talks between the federal government and the federal states on Wednesday, Schwesig did not want to make any specific commitments. Her Hessian counterpart became clearer in this regard Volker Bouffier (CDU), who wants to start reopening schools with graduates rather than elementary schools.

At ajoint press conference with Health Minister Jens Spahn (CDU) said the Prime Minister of Hesse: “We tend to start with the final grades”. Bouffier believes that the call to adhere to hygiene regulations in older “much better” than younger students.

Update 17:27: The The state government of Baden-Württemberg has spoken out in favor of this, to open schools in the country on April 27 at the earliest. This emerges from a paper from the State Ministry for the switching conference of the Prime Ministers with Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU), which is available to the German Press Agency.

Corona decision on schools and daycare centers: tendencies are seeping through – first countries are advancing

Update 5.10 p.m .: In North Rhine-Westphalia is paving a solution for a gradual return to everyday life in daycare. The last year before starting school will soon be back Daycare centers allowed to visit. However, emergency care will continue in the coming week. “Then I propose to admit the last year before starting school,” said NRW family minister Joachim Stamp on Tuesday to the dpa.

The schools in North Rhine-Westphalia should also reopen after the Easter holidays at best – initially only gradually. In particular, the implementation of decisive exams and the awarding of degrees should be made possible, said NRW School Minister Yvonne Gebauer on Tuesday at dpa request in Düsseldorf.

Update 4.45 p.m .: The North Rhine-Westphalian Prime minister Armin Laschet wants one common strategy of the federal states in the gradual Easing of orders. For individual areas, such as High school dates However, a single solution must also be possible, said Laschet on Tuesday in Düsseldorf. “Flexibility in basic agreement” is now necessary. A regulation that is understandable for the population for 16 countries is now to be found.

On the terms possible Easing belong Laschet according to better monitoring of the data or compliance with distance regulations and hygiene measures. Face masks and face masks are also an issue.

Coronavirus: decision on easing and school question on Wednesday

Update 3:02 p.m .: The federal and state governments want to discuss the Corona restrictions relaxed to advise. Various demands are already being made before the meeting. A clear strategy is required, particularly in the area of ​​education. On Tuesday, Baden-Württemberg’s Minister of Culture Susanne Eisenmann (CDU) called for priority to be given to students in all secondary schools when opening. That reports the Stuttgart newspaper.

Final exams should be written later this year, Eisenmann said. That is why the Graduation classes – Even in vocational schools, everyday life will soon return to normal, “because it is important, of course, that they have sufficient classroom instruction beforehand,” quotes the Stuttgart newspaper. Schools should be informed a week before resuming operations.

Despite the focus on the final grades, Eisenmann recommends starting school operations gradually with the fourth grades. “With all of our considerations and ultimately also with our measures, health and the associated protection against infection naturally have absolute priority,” emphasized the Minister.

Coronavirus: Schools and daycare centers closed – NRW Minister speaks of a schedule until May

Original article from April 14:

Berlin – The Corona virus* has been putting public life in Germany to the test for some time. In view of the stagnating suspected cases and a minimal disease rate of lung disease in comparison to many other countries Covid-19* a large part of the population demands that Removal of exit restrictions.

Coronavirus: will the schools reopen in May?

The schools in the federal states remain as they are until April 17th (Friday) closed. The next week will be after Easter announced on April 15. Daycare centers are also closed – except for the relevant emergencies Lockdown* affected and millions of parents wonder when the next generation can visit the facility again.

Empty classroom because of Corona: is this picture still current in May 2020?

© dpa / Fabian Strauch

According to a Kantar survey commissioned by picture the majority of Germans advocate gradual Return to a regular everyday lifehow it existed until March. At 53 percent, second place for the desired measures is that schools and day care centers open again. At the top of the ranking: allow meetings in smaller groups again (66 percent).

Schools for Corona Virus: When do the Abitur exams take place?

Acts as a government advisor in the Corona crisis the Leopoldina National Academy. It has now prepared recommendations for a return to normal. On Monday (April 13), researchers suggested that schools should reopen “as soon as possible” – initially for younger children.

Schools in NRW also empty after Easter – step-by-step plan for daycare centers

However, it is the larger school visitors who are faced with additional time pressure due to upcoming exams: According to the current project, the most populous will find State of North Rhine-Westphalia the Abitur exams take place on May 12th – three weeks after the originally scheduled date. Other federal states followed suit after the prime ministers agreed that High School should also take place in 2020 despite the Corona circumstances.

The North Rhine-Westphalian Minister of Family commented on how to proceed Joachim Stamp on Tuesday morning. He currently does not expect return to regular schools and daycare centers across the state. At least not immediately after the Easter break. Stamp told WAZ that it was “locked outthat schools and kindergartens will open again on Monday. “

For Daycare centers a step-by-step plan is in the works that could be implemented in conjunction with a catalog of measures and corresponding hygiene rules. However, the catalog would first be practiced with older children. A reintegration according to age groups could then ideally take place. “We could possibly start at the end of the month, but only on condition that the implementation of the hygiene measures can be guaranteed by then”, Stamp is optimistic.

Abitur Bayern: Exams on May 20 with a respirator at school?

Even in Bavaria, the Ministry of Culture still holds that on April 20 again attended school can be. However, shortly after Easter it seems absolutely unlikely that all school-age students will be back in the classroom at the same time. Bavaria’s Minister of Education recently announced that he could envisage a “step plan” as Merkur.de * describes. While many people welcome the targeted opening of schools and daycare centers, critical reactions are also circulating online.

According to current plans, the Abitur exams in Bavaria held on May 20th. It is quite possible that mouth-nose protection will also be used to meet this deadline. Some other federal states in Germany no longer have the Abi problem: the exams have already been completed in Rhineland-Palatinate and Hesse.

Kindergartens closed due to Corona: opening “in the interest of their well-being”

Dietmar Woidke, Brandenburg’s prime minister, believes it is extremely important to relax the existing restrictions – especially with regard to children who are currently mostly at home: “In the interest of the children and their well-being, it would be good if as many of them were soon back in crib, Kita and school can go, “the SPD politician said in an interview with the Funke media group announced.

Are you afraid that you have been infected with corona viruses? Find out here*, what to do.

* Merkur.de is an offer from the nationwide Ippen Digital editors network

List of rubric lists: © dpa / Fabian Strauch

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