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Corona crisis: what the countries around us are doing Abroad

France, where more than 2,000 people are infected, has closed schools in the hard-hit region of Brittany and the department of Oise, north of Paris. At the national level, meetings with more than a thousand people are not allowed. The government also advises against visiting old people and advises against shaking hands and the French double kiss on the cheek. The Louvre was closed in early March, but has since reopened.


Germany reported nearly 2,000 infections on Thursday. The government recommends to cancel meetings with more than 500 people. Major events such as the Hannover Messe industrial fair or the Leipzig Book Market have been canceled. Theaters and concert halls in Berlin are closed. Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Wednesday that 60 to 70 percent of the population will contract the corona virus.

In Belgium people have to work from home as much as possible and events with more than a thousand people are not recommended. Large gatherings that take place indoors are prohibited. In the country, where more than three hundred people are infected, it is also advised to avoid public transport during rush hours and to stop shaking hands.


Strict measures are also being taken in Scandinavia, with a total of more than 1,500 infections. In Denmark schools have been closed and the population has been asked to stay at home as much as possible, Norway is closing the borders for badly hit countries and Sweden is warning that it will take even tougher measures. Denmark advises against meetings with more than a hundred people, Norway and Sweden draw that limit at five hundred.

In Italy, the most affected country in Europe, public life has almost completely come to a halt. On Thursday, the country announced that it would close all shops except supermarkets and pharmacies. Schools, restaurants, museums and other public places have previously been closed. Sports competitions are also canceled. The measures apply until at least April 3.

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