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Cornell Tech: soon a new university in New York

In 2011, former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg launched a competition to set up a technology and entrepreneurship campus on Roosevelt Island (an island between Manhattan and Queens). The City of New York offered to offer the land to the winner along with a grant of $ 100 million. Goal : supporting the growth of the high-tech sector in the city, today hampered by a shortage of IT developers and engineers.

Cornell (an “Ivy League” university), which presented its project with the Technion Institute of Technology of Israel, styled at the Columbia, NYU or Stanford post. Construction of the 5 hectare campus – which will only offer masters – will begin in 2014, and the arrival of the first students is scheduled for 2017. Nicknamed “Silicon Island”, this campus will bring together students, researchers and companies.

Read more: In New York, Cornell Tech brings university and business together (January 2014)

Verizon, the US telecommunications giant, has donated $ 50 million (43.6 million euros) to Cornell Tech. A sum intended for the construction of a building dedicated to continuing education, which will bear the name of its generous donor. Verizon wishes to associate its name with this campus dedicated to science and technology which is due to open in 2017.

Read more: $ 50 million for the Cornell campus in New York (February 2015)

New York at the forefront of new pedagogies
Alongside the flagship Cornell Tech project, new players are emerging and are shaking up traditional universities. Like the Flatiron School, a private school that trains web developers in twelve weeks.

To read: Flatiron, the “bootcamp learning” school (October 2014)

Learning Expedition EducPros à New York et Boston
EducPros organizes its fourth “Learning Expedition” in New York and Boston from April 26 to 1is May 2015. A real dive into the heart of innovation and the ecosystem of the East Coast (universities, schools, alumni, companies), this study trip is an opportunity for participants to forge new partnerships and bring out many projects.

On the program: visits to NYU, Cornell, Columbia University, MIT, Harvard, Babson College, meetings with founders and representatives of companies and emblematic institutions in the region (EdX, Broad Institute, Dassault System campus, Cambridge Innovation Center. ..), but also exchanges with the bosses of innovative start-ups, French expatriates and the French Tech Hub.

Full program and registration

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