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Cordero: “The agreement with the investment fund will make the distance between the teams greater” | Radio Club Tenerife | Present

The sports director of CD Tenerife, Juan Carlos Cordero, presented two of the new players for the upcoming season this Thursday. Michel Herrero and Sergio González offered their first impressions of the Blue and Whites one week after the start of the league championship next weekend at La Rosaleda against Málaga CF:


“Míchel is a player well known for his career. He must provide us with his quality with the ball and experience. His position is an important bet for decision-making. It is one of his great virtues, intensity, hard work and playing as a team.”


“I had quite a few offers in Spain and abroad, even from a recently promoted one. I value more the interest and that they value me in a club. Tenerife always valued me, the truth is that it is a historic club in Spain and that it has had a lot of good name”.

“The feelings are very good. The teammates have welcomed me very well, there is an incredible good vibes. Inside we compete intensely but outside there is very good vibes.”

“The preseason is just training, I don’t give it more importance. The important thing is the first game. We have played with good rivals, the draw is the least of it, I ask the fans to trust that the important thing is the first day”

“Aitor is a great player, very respectable in the category. I have faced him many times, I prefer to have him as a partner. He is a necessary player for any team. We have to contribute our experience to give balance to the team”

“The coaching staff is clear that we are intense, that the team does not break, we are going to give our best every game. We are going to compete with all the rivals”

“I had offers but it is true that I appreciate the interest that Tenerife showed me. Trying to do my best, but the league is very competitive, every day it is more difficult to win the matches, but we are going to go all out. We have to get psyched to start off on the right foot “


“We brought Sergio for three years, from the first moment he has made an effort to be with us. He gives us various positions on the field. His characteristics offer us many variants. He is an important player for any club.”


“I am training as a center-back, I am comfortable in both positions. I am at the coach’s disposal, wherever he sees fit”

“It is a centenary year, it is a pride to belong this year. We know the difficulty with all the teams, we are going to fight to win and try as high as possible, but forget that this is too long and we want to keep our feet on the ground. We are going to leave everything to make it a beautiful year “

“From the first moment I had noticed the interest that he was here again, even before the end of the season. When the preseason started I told them that I had to wait to see what Cádiz wanted, we have made an effort that I am very happy about. I hope return trust “

“I work from day to day, last year it was difficult for me to enter the group, but I ended up competing the last two months at a good level. It is a challenge now these three years, I will compete to the fullest”


“I am not exactly optimistic about Lasso. There were bad omens and after visiting several specialists it was decided to operate again. It does not help to have the player on the squad. Today Lasso is a mystery”

“There is a predisposition to seek a way out for the players. The important thing is that a club comes out and we reach an agreement. A club is yet to appear. The market is very slow.”

“Regarding the salary cap, we have to differentiate it well. The Nahuel issue has hurt us a lot. On a personal and economic level, a strong, unexpected blow. It has made us change our expectations. We had no offer to form for the player, they had asked but we were far”

“Today with the contribution of the league expectations are opened. Let it be quite clear that this is a direct injection for sports directors to be able to sign. It will be structured, today we are studying that 15% that goes to our plot. Much more distance will be created with the big ones. The distance will be enlarged. It is not a direct injection, it will help us “

“The attacking players will cost more. It takes more work to sign him. I don’t know if he will be for the first day. It depends on many things, I don’t set dates. If it is true that we need it to reinforce the top part”

“Apeh I can tell you little. Follow all the documentation issue. We are all helping but it is slow, the month of August has entered with what it entails. We are in contact day by day. It is a matter of visa to the player, the sports damage that the player is being created is important “

“We are with the market every day at every minute. We are united with the coach, but in the end the deadlines are set by the market, we depend on third parties. I repeat that Nahuel’s setback has been very important. Today I hope that he will come. at least one striker “

“The feelings are very good with the homegrown players. Matches of level and intensity and they have responded very well. They are adjusting, let no one be surprised that they can act on the first day. There are no differences with the first team players because they train all the days with them. If they knock down the door I wouldn’t be surprised if they played in these first days “

“I’m not talking about players who are not in this squad. I understand the rumors, I respect them. Until the last second my idea is to reinforce the demarcation that the coach asks of us. Right now we are in the study phase. I repeat that the idea is to bring at least one striker “

“My roadmap is being to be prepared at any time. The roadmap for the injuries of Javi Alonso and Nahuel has been changed for the worse. The coach’s idea is to be ambitious. We are governed by the economic amount. The priority is to bring the striker “

“This league project is that you cannot sell a player badly. The assembly is missing for the agreement to be signed. It is not a direct economic injection to be able to sign sports directors”

“It is normal for the players that at the beginning the reaction is not good. From then on they have seen that they are not available, their career can continue outside of CD Tenerife. The dynamic is that you have not felt well here. I am prepared to any proposal, I cannot close myself in anything, we are open to everything “

“Elliot also spoke at the time, he has a license from the subsidiary. He stayed training on the island, and now the idea is the best thing to look for a new loan. Last year it did not go well, the best thing is that he go back on loan”

“At the moment, the most important thing is that the operation goes well tomorrow. I hope that he recovers as soon as possible. Unfortunately, the recovery will take months”

“With financially injured players you have the obligation to pay their salary one hundred percent”

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