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Controversy Surrounding Disqualification of Joost Klein from Eurovision Song Contest


The EBU believes that it is not desirable to allow Klein to participate while the investigation is still ongoing and has decided to disqualify Klein. The decision was not made in consultation with AVROTRO and the latter believes that the measure is very heavy and disproportionate.

“We are very sorry about this,” they say. “We stand for good manners, let there be no misunderstanding about that, but in our opinion a measure of exclusion is unfair to the This event. We are very disappointed and upset, also for the millions of fans who were looking forward to this evening. What Joost brought to Holland and Europe should not have ended like this.” You can read the full statement from AVROTRO here.


What we do know about the complaint against Klein is that an incident took place last Thursday after his performance. Despite agreements, Klein was filmed as he just left the stage and had to run to the green room. Klein indicated several times that he did not want to be filmed, but this was not responded to. This caused a threatening gesture from Klein towards the camera, when Klein did not touch the camera woman.

To vote

Despite the disqualification, Dutch people can still vote in the final of the Eurovision Song Contest. However, Nikkie de Jager does not give the points on behalf of the Netherlands. The YouTuber and makeup artist doesn’t think it feels good, she says in a video message shown in the preview of the finale.

2024-05-11 22:36:20

#Joost #Klein #disqualified #Eurovision #final

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