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Continued Growth in Employment in Retail and Catering Sector in France: Study

By Dalila Bouaziz | THE

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The commerce and employment sector represents nearly 3 million jobs, or 15% of salaried jobs in France, growing by +25% over the last 15 years, compared to an average of +11% for the whole of salaried employment in France.

Employment in retail and catering grew continuously from 2006 to the end of 2022. – © DR

Retail and catering turnover reaches 589 billion euros in 2022a figure up nearly 25% since 2006, according to a new study carried out by SAD Marketing for the Federation of Territorial Commerce Actors (FACT).

The southern and western regions, the most attractive

Salaried employment in commerce follows this progression with nearly 3 million jobsor 15% of salaried jobs in France. Over the period 2006-2022, commerce created 586,000 FTEs (full-time equivalent). This corresponds to growth of 25% over the last 15 years, compared to 11% growth in all salaried employment. This growth has continued since 2019: +7.2% (vs. 5.8% for total salaried employment).

It is especially the southern and western regions, driven by the attractiveness of the coastlines, which have benefited the most from this growth in employment in businesses. But on average, all sizes of urban areas have benefited from this progression.

In Ile-de-France and in catchment areas with more than 250,000 inhabitants, the total number of salaried jobs in commerce is growing much faster than the population between 2006 and 2022. In Paris, for example, over this period, it recorded growth of +29% while the population decreased by -2%.

In municipalities with less than 15,000 inhabitants, the number of retail employees increased by 17%, while total salaried employment decreased by -2%. Figures which show that there is not necessarily a correlation between demographics and growth in employment in businesses.

Growth driven by catering and small businesses

Employment in commerce is driven by catering: 772,000 employees, +65% between 2006 and 2022 and small food businesses (+48%). Employment in retail and catering has in fact grown continuously from 2006 to the end of 2022with the exception of a temporary decline in 2020, the year of Covid.

On the other hand, the drop in numbers is notable in businesses specializing in personal equipment (-6%) and especially in services (-24%).

A very relative impact of e-commerce on employment

Over the period, the strongest growth in numbers was recorded by pure players. But with 52,000 jobs in total, they represent only 2% of retail employees for 6% of retail and catering turnover.

The sectors in which e-commerce has grown the most (more than 20% market share) are, overall, experiencing reductions in their workforce. This is particularly the case for the shoe, toy and clothing markets.

In contrast, the optics, health and beauty and sports sectors, in which e-commerce has less than 10% market share, are dynamic in terms of employment.

2023-11-03 10:03:04
#Dynamism #commerce #France #turnover #billion #euros

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