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Conte: “Salis is not Tortora”. Budapest attacks her again: “she is not a heroine”

“A media ballet, a lack of grammar”. Thus the leader of the 5 Star Movement Giuseppe Conte in a dialogue with the paper judges the management of the case Salt.

Because the case of the Italian citizen detained in Hungary “is not the Tortora case”, specifies Conte.

“Giving political air, hinting at her candidacy, raising expectations, has not helped – continues the former prime minister -. I am strongly worried about father Salis whose tenacious battle I respect.”

Fears that were confirmed this morning by the Hungarian government’s social media accounts which reiterated the closure of two days ago.

“Ilaria Salis is not a hero – Orbán’s spokesperson posts on X, Zoltan Kovacs –. and his ‘comrades’ came to Hungary and committed barbaric and premeditated attacks against Hungarian citizens: these are the facts. Anything beyond this is mere political fabrication and we will defend the reputation and integrity of our justice system, no matter how much the left cries wolf.”

Orbán’s spokesperson attacks Ilaria Salis’ father, who “turned his daughter’s case into a political issue and now seems surprised that political responses are arriving to these totally unfounded accusations”.

“As a father – continues a post – he would perhaps do well to reflect on how his daughter found herself in such an accident once again, because this case is not unprecedented; the lady in question has been involved in similar incidents in the past. And let’s not forget, in fact, that we should point out that the crime in question is extremely serious and equally carries severe sentences under the Hungarian legal system.”

#Conte #Salis #Tortora #Budapest #attacks #heroine
– 2024-05-11 10:42:43

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