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Confirmed, the Olympics will be without NHL players. Satan: Chance for others – NHL – Ice Hockey – Sports

The Beijing Olympic Hockey Tournament will take place without NHL players. The management of the overseas profiligo decided not to allow its players to start at the 2022 Olympic Games due to the rapidly spreading variant of the coronavirus omicron.


22.12.2021 16:40, updated: 17:16

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Tomáš Tatar will not present himself at the Olympic tournament.

The NHL leadership has reached an agreement with the NHLPA. In addition to the spread of the omicron, the verdict on not releasing the players at the 2022 Olympic Games has also affected 50 postponed matches of the basic part. The official website informed about it nhl.com.

“The NHL respects and admires the players’ desire to represent their countries and take part in the Olympic tournament. Accordingly, we have been waiting for this decision for as long as possible.

We researched all available options to allow our players to participate in the Olympic Games 2022.

Unfortunately, given the deep disruption to the NHL’s core schedule due to recent coronavirus-related events – 50 games have been postponed until December 23 – their participation in the Olympics is no longer possible, “said NHL Commissioner Gary Bettman.

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At the Olympic Games, the world’s elite overseas players will be missing for the second time in a row. They also graduated in 2018 in Pyongyang.

Although the NHL originally agreed with the NHLPA and the International Hockey Federation (IIHF) to participate in the 2022 and 2026 Olympic Games, the COVID-19 pandemic has now changed its mind.

“We appreciate the efforts of the International Olympic Committee, the International Hockey Federation and the Beijing Organizing Committee.

However, the current circumstances, despite the best efforts of all, have prevented us from releasing NHL players to Beijing. We are looking forward to the 2026 Olympic Games, “Bettman added.

Satan: The tournament will match qualitatively

Before the verdict, the president of the Slovak Ice Hockey Association (SZĽH) and the general manager of the Slovak national team, Miroslav Šatan, expected that the Olympic tournament would eventually be without NHL players.

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“There have been signs lately, and such a result was expected. It’s a shame. The Olympics should have the best players. I remember it as a player. It had a cveng.

But even without NHL players, the Olympics will be interesting and surprises can happen again, as in the case of Germany. It’s a huge chance for players from Europe and we would like to be one of those surprises, “Satan told the web hockeyslovaki­a.sk.

The general manager of the national team knows that without NHL players, every team will lose quality: “The strongest hockey countries are losing more than we will. The Olympic tournament will match qualitatively. We will try to be a positive surprise. “

However, the leadership of the Slovak team could think of AHL players towards the Olympic Games.

“We do not know the specifics of the agreement yet. If this were possible and the restrictions did not apply to AHL players, we will certainly try to provide an exemption for our players who operate in the AHL and are interested in going to the Olympics, “Satan explained.

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