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Concerns Grow as Nidaa Sharara Performs at Party with Crutch in Hand

Nidaa Sharara performed at a party with the crutch in her hand.. Her health condition worries the public! (video)

Followers of the Jordanian actress, Nidaa Sharara, were surprised by the latest appearance of their favorite star with the crutch in her hand during a wedding ceremony, which worried her fans.

In the details, Nidaa Sharara suffered a broken foot, which was evident in her Instagram post, but she appeared in the picture laughing and commented with the phrase, “God perpetuates laughter. Fate and kindness.”

And Nedaa continued in another post, “Despite the pain of the injury, the smile was not absent, God willing, and we were able to make the grooms happy and be with them on the most beautiful day of their lives. Congratulations and good luck to everyone.”

2023-07-20 09:48:00

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