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Comparing Baldur’s Gate 2: Throne of Bhaal and BG3: Is BG3 an Impossible Task?

Mwoh. Nota bene Baldur’s Gate 2 already did this, in the Throne of Bhaal expansion. Indeed, characters got access to pretty ridiculous powers there where they became heavily OP, but that was about the fun of it. In the meantime you could fight it out with figures like Demogorgon and of course your own brothers and sisters who were all high level as well. At the end of the expansion, the story ends in a fitting way for a character who has almost achieved god status (which I won’t spoil despite the age of the game, but it’s pretty obvious). Those who started in BG1 with a level 1 character went through a complete life course.

Well, BG2 was D&D 2.5 and not 5e, and the engine was also a lot more primitive, so the job would indeed be a bit bigger for BG3 (just some abilities that do extra damage won’t get you there), but to well To say that it would be an impossible task is also a bit of an exaggeration. It just requires a different kind of campaign, you also have that in tabletop.

[Reactie gewijzigd door MneoreJ op 8 augustus 2023 18:57]

2023-08-08 15:30:42
#Baldurs #Gate #III #DLC #due #high #levels

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