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Companies: Nine multinationals join Microsoft proposal to reduce footprint

Nine multinationals came together on the initiative of the American computing giant Microsoft to share their research and strategies to allow all companies to achieve a footprint of neutral by 2050.

Call “Transform to Net Zero” (Transform to net zero), this initiative groups for the moment the Danish transporter AP Moller-Maersk, the American chain of coffee shops Starbucks, the French food group Danone and the consumer giant, the Anglo-Dutch Unilever.

German carmaker Mercedes-Benz, Brazilian cosmetics group Natura & Co, the American manufacturer of sports equipment also joined. Nike and the Indian computer consulting group Wipro.

These organizations from various countries and industrial sectors aim to share their information and experiences on the best ways to reduce carbon emissions and limit the increase in the average temperature of the Earth’s surface to 1.5 degrees Celsius, a statement published on Tuesday.

They also say they want to invest in innovations and defend public policies to achieve this goal.

He had already promised in January that his carbon footprint would be negative by 2030.

“No company can face the climate crisis alone,” one of its representatives, Ben Smith, said in the statement on Tuesday.

“This is why large companies will develop and share best practices, research and the results of their experiences to help everyone move forward,” he added.

The initiative, which is supported by the American association for environmental protection Environmental Defense Fund (EDF), is open to other members.

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