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Commemoration Vigil Marks 3rd Anniversary of Beirut Port Explosion in Montreal’s Marcelin-Wilson Park

The commemoration began at 7:00 p.m. Montreal time in front of the Daleth monument located in Marcelin-Wilson Park, dedicated to the first Lebanese immigrants to Canada.

Those present had responded to a call launched a few days ago on Facebook by a member of the community.

In an interview with Radio Canada International, Raghid Nami explained that he made the appeal in a personal capacity as he had done in 2020, the day after the explosion which killed more than 220 people and injured more than 6,500.

An explosion considered the largest non-nuclear explosion in history.

It was caused by a fire in a warehouse where tons of ammonium nitrate were stored carelessly, despite repeated warnings to officials.

“I wanted us to pay this tribute so as not to forget the dead,” adds the man who says he is not affiliated with any political organization.

The rally began with the Lebanese national anthem taken up in chorus by some of those present who had flags of the country of cedar in their hands.

1 de 5 : One minute of silence a été observée lors de la veillée de commémoration du 3e anniversaire de l’explosion du port de Beyrouth tenue au parc Marcelin-Wilson (Montréal) le 4 août 2023. Participants observed a minute of silence to mourn the souls of the victims The Beirut port explosion that occurred three years ago. Marcelin Wilson Park (Montreal) on August 4, 2023., Photo :


One minute of silence a été observée lors de la veillée de commémoration du 3e anniversaire de l’explosion du port de Beyrouth tenue au parc Marcelin-Wilson (Montréal) le 4 août 2023. It happened three years ago. Marceline Wilson Park (Montreal) August 4, 2023.

2 de 5: Raghid Nami, l’un des organisateurs de la veillée commémorative, a procédé à la lecture des noms d’une partie des victims of l’explosion of the port of Beyrouth. Ragheed Al-Nuaimi, one of the organizers of the vigil, read the names of some of the victims of the Beirut port explosion., Photo :


Raghid Nami, l’un des organisateurs de la veillée commémorative, a procédé à la lecture des noms d’une partie des victims of l’explosion of port de Beyrouth. Ragheed Al-Nuaimi, one of the organizers of the vigil, read the names of some of the victims of the Beirut port explosion.

3 of 5: Des bougies ont été allumées à la memoire des personnes tuées lors de l’explosion survenue at port de Beyrouth il ya trois ans. The attendees lit candles in memory of the victims of the Beirut port explosion that occurred three years ago. Photo :


Des bougies ont été allumées à la memoire des personnes tuées lors de l’explosion survenue au port de Beyrouth il ya trois ans. The attendees lit candles in memory of the victims of the Beirut port explosion, which occurred three years ago

4 de 5: L’evenement s’est tenu devant l’installation artistique ”Daleth” which rends hommage of premier immigrants from Lebanon arriving in Canada. The vigil was held in front of the “Dalith” art structure that honors the first Lebanese immigrants to Canada., Photo :


L’événement s’est tenu devant l’installation artistique ”Daleth” which rends hommage of premier immigrants from Lebanon arriving in Canada. The vigil was organized in front of the “Dalith” art structure, which honors the first Lebanese immigrants to Canada.

5 de 5: Margot Elkhoury-Grégoire and his mother Corrine Elkhoury ont assisted à la vigile organisée à l’occasion du 3e anniversaire de l’explosion du port de Beyrouth. Margot El Khoury-Gregoire and her mother, Corinne El Khoury, attend the vigil that was organized on the occasion of the third anniversary of the Beirut port explosion., Photo :


Margot Elkhoury-Grégoire and his mother Corrine Elkhoury ont assisted the vigile organization in the event of the 3rd anniversary of the exploration of the port of Beyrouth. Margot El Khoury-Gregoire and her mother, Corine El Khoury, attended the vigil organized on the occasion of the third anniversary of the Beirut port explosion.

Speaking at the beginning of this gathering Raghid Nami recalled the objective of this vigil.

We are gathered this evening in memory of those who were swept away by the tragedy that struck Beirut three years ago. In an instant, lives were shattered, families destroyed, and a city scarred forever. A quote from Raghid Nami

By asking those present to light candles, the latter affirmed that by lighting candles, we rekindle the spirit of Beirut and we commit ourselves to never forget.

A minute of silence was observed followed by the reading of the names of some victims of the explosion so that they do not remain a statistic in this memory, according to Mr Nami.

Of Lebanese origin, Aref Salem, the leader of the official opposition on the Montreal city council, was present at the vigil.

He affirmed that after all the victims and wounded and 300,000 people who lost almost everything in Lebanon, there are people who come together today and think of them and send them a message of hope from Montreal.

Addressing the Lebanese inside, he told them that you are not alone in asking for the truth [sur l’explosion, NDLR] hidden.

This truth to which Lebanese justice has not yet arrived, three years after the events

Of Lebanese origin, Aref Salem, leader of the official opposition on the Montreal city council, was present at the commemorative vigil.

Photo :  Radio Canada International / Samir Bendjafer

A first judge in charge of the investigation in 2020 had to throw in the towel, after indicting the former prime minister, Hassan Diab, and three former ministers.

His successor, Tarek Bitar, in turn attacked politicians, but parliament refused to waive the immunity of indicted deputies, the interior ministry opposed the interrogation of senior officers, and security forces refused to execute arrest warrants.

The prosecutor also ordered the release of the 17 people detained without trial since the gigantic explosion. The Lebanese authorities have also refused an international investigation.

Thursday, 300 NGOs including Human Rights Watch (HRW) and Amnesty International as well as families of victims renewed their call for the formation of an international commission of inquiry.

In an interview with Radio Canada International, Aref Salem, affirms that this international investigation is the thing to do. The Lebanese of the interior have lost all confidence in their institutions. And for there to be justice, it will absolutely take an international investigation.

Gemma (left) and her husband Georges Chahine.

Photo : Radio Canada International / Samir Bendjafer

Gemma and Georges Chahine attended the vigil to support our parents in Lebanon who are suffering a lot after this tragedy.

Georges Chahine is sorry that the corrupt political class has not been able to discover the truth about this explosion.

We have arrived at a time when the international community must send an international commission of inquiry to find out the truth, because with the corrupt system in Lebanon, we will never achieve a result. A quote from Georges Chahine

One of the speakers, Elissa Kayal, said that for the Lebanese, the explosion is an overwhelming symbol that takes the condensed form of each and everyone’s traumas. She does the impossible. It brings together the experience of entire generations under a single date. It is war, our divisions in silence for a century. It’s political instability, corruption, mistrust, injustice, people’s anger […] It is a day that hurts because it applies to all the suffering experienced by Lebanese, locals and expatriates, past and present. For his part, Aref Salem called on Lebanese in Montreal and Canada in general to support local community organizations that help people in Lebanon, such as the organization Liban Canada Fonds (LCF).

Organizations offer scholarships to young people in Lebanon, while others send medicines, but this will never replace the Lebanese State which must be reborn, he added.

(With information from AFP)

2023-08-05 21:33:20

#Reportage #Montrealers #commemorate #explosion #port #Beirut #ROI

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