Home » today » Entertainment » Comedy & Music “Actually Love” – ​​The Big Picture Lutherstadt Wittenberg June 27th, 2021

Comedy & Music “Actually Love” – ​​The Big Picture Lutherstadt Wittenberg June 27th, 2021

Comedy & Music “Love Actually” – The Big Picture

“Really love!” – Comedy and songs with depth Torsten Hebel and Klaus-André Eickhoff with a new stage program Two experienced artist personalities share the stage in the Wittenberg town hall on the last weekend in June. One, Torsten Hebel, is a comedian, cabaret artist, actor and – attention: theologian! The other, Klaus-André Eickhoff, sits at the piano and sings heartwarmingly about the little everyday life and big feelings. Together they have moved many people with their mix of comedy, music, humor and depth – not just good entertainment. Because Hebel and Eickhoff are about more. They called their new program “Real Love”, in which they scrutinized life’s big questions in a ludicrous and self-ironic way. What are we here for? What is life really about? The great strength of their new program is that they take these questions seriously and don’t just drag them through the cocoa. The longing inherent in us – where does it come from? And maybe she can be breastfed after all? Torsten Hebel and Klaus-André Eickhoff dare to think outside the box and look for answers in a humorous and authentic way. That goes – with all the wit and all the irony – deep under the skin. This is exactly what makes this program so unique. It is a festival for the laughing muscles – but also for the heart and soul and much more. The individual evenings “Heart & Soul”, “Butterflies & Neighbors” and “The Big & Big Picture” can of course also be experienced individually “without knowledge disadvantages”. There is an interesting package price for all three events. The evening events are part of the 2nd Wittenberg Mindfulness Days “This is how Wittenberg lives – too ?!” After the successful premiere last year, the association “Licht an! Concerts ”, the Katharina von Bora-Hospiz and the Hope Church hosted this special event. Wittenberg is a city with many interesting projects and a diverse cultural landscape. But this is not always known. With this trade fair project, the organizers want to bring this diversity closer to the people of Wittenberg and their guests. High-quality culture and information on everyday life can be experienced in a special shared form in the town hall from June 25th to 27th.



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