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“Combating Tiger Mosquitoes in Gironde: Innovative Solutions in Libourne and Pessac”

In Gironde, the hunt for tiger mosquitoes has begun. A multitude of means to control the proliferation of this pest have been deployed. This is the case in Libourne with the launch of a mosquito weather forecast, but also in the city of Pessac #IlsOntLaSolution

As summer approaches, the city of Libourne is implementing significant resources to get rid of the tiger mosquito that proliferates everywhere in Occitania. To the 78 terminals already installed to capture them, the municipality added 37 for an investment of 150,000 euros. These terminals emit an odor that mimics that of the human body and inside, a CO2 cylinder is used to mimic human breathing. ” These are the two factors that will attract the female mosquito to the terminal, which will end up here” explains Adrien Le Rouxel, the supplier of these terminals, commercial director Qista France. But this year, the municipality is going even further for more efficiency with the launch of a mosquito forecast. This system anticipates periods of risk and encourages residents to be careful. Accessible on the internet or mobile application, this device warns residents when mosquito populations increase in the city. ” It is raining today, mosquitoes will lay eggs today or tomorrow in the water tanks, the larva will hatch in two days, so action must be taken in the coming daysexplains the mayor of Libourne Philippe Buisson.

In Pessac, it is the cemetery, a real mosquito nursery, which serves as a place of experimentation. 7 terminals have been installed there since last year to observe the evolution of breeding sites. People called mosquito control ambassadors also ensure that stagnant water is limited. ” The proliferation is extremely rapid and extremely numerous and it is really people’s blood that is used to fuel the egg layingsays François Gaudissart, ambassador for the fight against mosquitoes. Because you should know that only the female mosquito bites. The blood collected during the bite is a source of protein to allow the development of eggs. The objective of this device is to avoid being bitten because the tiger mosquito can be a vector of many diseases such as dengue fever, Zika and chikungunya. The tiger mosquito has therefore not finished talking about him. In metropolitan France, in 2023, this insect is established in 71 departments.

2023-05-19 11:09:03
#Gironde #tiger #mosquito #hunt #launched #terminals #antimosquito #weather

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