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Column: From car races in the children’s room

Column up and down the country

Car racing in the children’s room

The National Council has agreed that motor racing should be possible again in Switzerland. Our author is skeptical. But a toy teaches him otherwise.

Throbbing cars and spectacular crashes: If you have petrol in your blood, you’ll be happy to hear that car racing should be possible again in Switzerland. The proposal, which is quite outdated in view of climate change, comes from the Lucerne FDP National Councilor Peter Schilliger. Does he have a circuit in his home country in mind? Formula 1 on the Emmer airfield? Rally around the bowl? Perhaps a brainstorming session with the autoposers, who present their latest sound creations in the city of Lucerne at the weekend, will help as an inspiration.

A car race track ensures high excitement in the children’s room.

Photo: Robert Byron

Although I like it when strong spirits flow through my blood from time to time, petrol is too strong stuff for me. What’s supposed to be attractive about spending a Sunday afternoon watching vehicles doing dozens of laps in circles is beyond me. But I recently had to revise my opinion. My son received a Carrera toy car train for his birthday. At some point you give in to the storms.

I was skeptical, very skeptical. But I admit: It’s really fun. Against my will, I was gripped by racing fever and the rush of speed. It’s almost a bit addictive when the little speedsters fly over the track. Don’t worry, petrol won’t flow in my blood in the future either. Racing against each other is primarily just a great father-son community experience. The toy is even a role model: the Carrera cars are electric.

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