Home » today » World » CNE of Venezuela rejects claims of the European Union – 2024-05-14 17:16:07

CNE of Venezuela rejects claims of the European Union – 2024-05-14 17:16:07


The president of the Nationwide Electoral Council (CNE) of Venezuela, Elvis Amoroso, expressed this Monday his rejection of the claims of the European Union (EU) of an try at coercion and demanded the lifting of the coercive measures imposed in opposition to the nation.

In statements to the press, Amoroso learn a press release during which he categorically rejected “the claims of the European Union to coerce me, in addition to the Electoral Energy, attempting to look to worldwide public opinion that they’re continuing to raise the coercive sanctions and unilateral measures imposed on the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.”

The president of the CNE confused that the world is conscious of the injury that the imposed sanctions have brought about to the inhabitants, recalling that these “have prevented entry to medicines for sufferers with most cancers, diabetics, amongst different pathologies; in addition to impeded the acquisition of vaccines for kids and medical tools to ensure the lives of stated sufferers.”

“As president of the Electoral Department and the Nationwide Electoral Council of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, I urge the European Union and different nations, equivalent to the USA of America and the UK, to proceed with the lifting of all unilateral coercive sanctions. genocidal measures imposed in opposition to the worthy Venezuelan folks, which have an effect on their human rights and that the persecution in opposition to businessmen who’re making an necessary effort to ensure, along with the Venezuelan State, medicines and meals for the well-being of the inhabitants of the Republic, stop. Bolivarian of Venezuela,” he stated.

Moreover, he defined that the announcement made right this moment by the EU concerning the lifting of sanctions that “have been imposed on me, I don’t settle for as a result of they’re immoral and opposite to my citizen values.”

“This determination by the European Union to raise the sanction solely on me is opposite to the obligation that, as a Venezuelan, I’ve to honor and defend the nation, its symbols and values, safeguard and shield sovereignty, nationality, territorial integrity, self-determination and the pursuits of the nation, in accordance with the provisions of article 130 of the Structure of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, it will be unworthy and disloyal to simply accept this reward from the European Union just for myself and depart the 30 million Venezuelans affected by the sanctions and blockades imposed by the European Union and different small teams of nations which might be enemies of our nation when the proper factor is to raise all of the sanctions imposed on the Venezuelan folks,” he stated.

Amoroso warned that the EU persists in its “neocolonial practices” by not making use of any correction to its “misguided interventionism in opposition to Venezuela, with a slipshod maneuver with which it seeks to keep away from the rising worldwide rejection of the applying of those extortionary measures, which hurt the human rights of peoples and sovereignty.”

Likewise, he emphasised that as president of the Electoral Department and the CNE he calls for the excellent and unconditional cessation of the unilateral coercive measures of the European Union, “in addition to every other blackmail mechanism that seeks to intervene within the free and sovereign improvement of the Venezuelan political course of. ”.

Lastly, he reiterated that so long as the EU continues its coverage of hostility in opposition to Venezuela, “it is going to be unattainable to have interaction in honest, respectful and productive dialogue with the Electoral Energy,” recalling that this electoral system is taken into account top-of-the-line on this planet.

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