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Close Encounter: Father and Son Attacked by Roe Deer Buck During Deer Baiting

The two had settled into a suitable hiding place, with a good view of both the forest and the field.

The deer are now in the middle of their mating season, and for the first time they took a decoy whistle with them to see if they could lure deer.

A roe deer buck in heat is not to be trifled with.

Photo: Simen Vederhus / NRK

Bukk suddenly jumped forward

After trying a few different places, they pressed the decoy whistle ten times. Then suddenly they heard some sounds behind them.

Dad thought at first it was joggers coming, but behind us a buck jumped out. He hit me in the back of the head and in the shoulder.

This is what Caspian Eid Fremstad tells us, who is clearly marked by the experience.

– There were two goats that came, and one of them came like a rocket straight into Caspian’s back and knocked us over. It was a violent experience.

That’s what Stian Lisø Fremstad, Caspian’s father, says.

Caspian and his father will probably be a little more careful next time they try to lure deer.

Photo: Simen Vederhus / NRK

– Wanted to chase us away

Stian admits that he is not a deer hunter, but nevertheless has an idea as to why the roe deer attacked.

– This decoy whistle is called a buttolo. It has different sounds. If you press hard, you get what is called an anxiety sound. The roe deer bucks have their own territories, so when they hear that sound they will drive competing bucks away from their area. Perhaps that’s what happened, that the buck thought we were competitors and wanted to chase us away from his territory.

Head of the hunting committee in the Trondheim hunters and fishermen’s association, Are Reiertsen, says it can be unfortunate to lure deer during the mating season.

Photo: Simen Vederhus / NRK

Not to recommend

Are Reiertsen, head of the hunting committee in the Trondheim hunters’ and fishermen’s association, has a clear recommendation for those who want to try their hand at deer baiting

– You have to read up, because during the mating season the animals can become stressed. If everyone goes out to lure wild animals, then there will be a problem.

Reiertsen says he personally would be careful about luring deer now in the mating season, but emphasizes that it is not illegal.

– It is certainly a nice experience for most people who have not seen such things before. But now the animals are probably a bit more precious, in this particular place.

Won’t be the last time

Despite this experience, Caspian and father Stian are no strangers to trying again.

– We will continue to entice. Next time we might bring mum and little brother too.

Caspian is also no stranger to becoming a hunter himself sometime in the future.

– We’ll see if the interest is there when I get a little older.

2023-07-31 17:30:22

#Caspian #lured #deer #whistle #jumped #buck #heat

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